As the cartridge launcher is on a moving axis, cartridges will need to be fed towards it. Test 5 in the cartridge launcher section also showed that the flame activated powder cartridges will need to be equally spaced. This page shows experimentation, designing a successful method of doing so.
Test 1
- Hypothesis: Using a rotating disk with a hollow cut out, cartridges will be stationary at points of rotation and pushed forward at others.
- Application: A cut out the size a pong ping ball was made in a tin can lid. A centre axis was put through it. The axis was then rested on a slit in a 50mm diameter pipe. Ping pong balls were loaded into the pipe and the tin can lid was turned by hand.
- Outcome: The hypothesis was correct. The mechanism successfully spaced and distributed the cartridges.
Test 2
- Hypothesis: Using test one, cartridges can be fed to the launcher. On occasion, this will have to be done at an angle as the exit shaft points upwards.
- Application: Test 1 was modified by attaching it to a stable base with a motor.
- Outcome: The hypothesis was correct. It works best when the ‘feeder’ is placed at the furthest possible distance from the motor. If it is placed too close, the cartridge wastes energy trying to break free.
Application Of Prototyping In Final Product
Two MTM cartridge transporter cam’s (part 5), highlighted in yellow, transfer the flame activated cartridges into the spinning exit disks highlighted in blue. The cartridges enter the exit unit via the gap at the top.