Research and Knowledge Exchange Development

Researchers can reserve their place on workshops to enhance their

skills, knowledge and personal development.

The Research and Knowledge Exchange (RaKE) team organise activities

and workshops suitable for all active research and knowledge exchange

staff, as well as those in supporting roles. Workshops will be held on

Microsoft Teams.

The workshops cover a broad range of topics and skills and are arranged by

four themes:

1. Funding your research and knowledge exchange

2. Research impact, engagement and dissemination

3. Governance, ethics and integrity

4. Personal effectiveness and career planning.

View the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Programme

2021-2022 and plan your development for the year ahead, choosing from

scheduled workshops – or by arranging training on request for groups of six

or more.

To reserve your place, email with

the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. You can also email us with a

request for a bespoke session to meet your needs or any queries

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development