All posts in: Opportunities

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Opportunity: Techne 2025 Cohort CDA Project Proposals – Application Guidance/Timetable | Note internal deadline of 5pm 13 September 2024

Kindly note that this is the final year of the consortium in the current format. See guidance notes for the scheme that includes the timeframe for submission, review and selection of the CDA’s to go forward for recruitment. Techne CDA Application Guidance 2025 Techne CDA Project Proposal 2025 Do note the following instruction in the guidance document: “It is the responsibility of the academic supervisor to ensure that the project proposal is uploaded onto the portal in the supervisor section so it is attached to the final student application.” This year, each institution is allowed to submit up to three Stage 1 proposals (previously known as EoIs) to be supervised jointly by them alongside a non-HEI organisation. The closing date is 17.00 on 16th October 2024. We are setting an internal deadline of 17.00 on Friday 13th September for academic colleagues to submit their Stage 1 proposals to the Doctoral College for review. The template to use for the submission […]

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Event: Working Together – invite to celebrate our toolkit and project | 11am-1pm on 17 July 2024 at the Towner Gallery

  Working Together was a partnership project between a university, a gallery and a community organisation that grew out of an MA Inclusive Arts Practice module of the same name. It provided a creative and social space for people with learning disabilities, students, graduates and gallery, university and support staff to work together, meaningfully engage with an arts venue and exhibition, make art and co-learn and co-produce knowledge. We have produced a toolkit to share learning and resources that aims to support people to work together to make art, explore exhibitions and have creative conversations. We have also created our dream galleries to think about how everyone can be meaningfully included in gallery programmes. We would love it if you were able to join us at the Towner Gallery 11am-1pm on Wed 17th July to celebrate our toolkit and project and be part of creative conversations and activities to explore […]

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EVENT: Innovate UK – Future Technology Deep Dives – Nature Inspired Materials | 27 June 2024 10-12pm – online 

During this event, expert industry and academic speakers will talk about using uniquely beneficial approaches and ideas from nature, and explore how they can be applied in technological material solutions that mimic the living world over a medium-long term (15-20 year) timeframe. Register here

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Opportunities: University wide (not School) R&KE Conference Fund 23-24 is open for applications now.

See R&KE Conference Fund 23-24   If you have any questions about this initiative, please email The University wide R&KE Conference Fund offers financial support for research-active staff to attend conferences which support their ongoing research and knowledge exchange careers. The funding should be used to cover costs associated with attending the conference. The conference must take place before 31 July 2024. Applications received will be considered on a rolling basis throughout June and July. Note that this is different to the School Funds that are to be found here:  

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Event: The Design Council will host the 34th World Design Congress in London at the Barbican Centre in September 2025.

World Design Congress London 2025 – Share the stories The Design Council will host the 34th World Design Congress in London at the Barbican Centre in September 2025. The event was last held in London in 1969 at the Southbank Centre with 1,000 delegates from 39 countries, the theme will be Design for Planet. There are so many incredible designers and businesses who are already leading the way in Design for Planet. The Design Council would love to help tell these stories as part of the World Design Congress campaign and event. If you have a great green design impact story to tell, send 100 words and high-res imagery to

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Opportunity: Design Foundations Round 5 – people centred and systemic design

If you are speaking to a UK registered business of any size who could benefit from your academic research expertise relating to people centred and systemic design to influence, inform and de-risk their future R&D activity contact University of Brighton Knowledge Exchange Manager Stuart Hedley on by the end of May 2024 to discuss.  

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Workshops to support neurodivergent researchers at the University of Brighton

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Department invites you to provide input for the development of workshops tailored to support neurodivergent researchers at the University of Brighton.   The link to the form is here:   Neurodiversity encompasses a wide range of neurological differences, so your feedback will enable us to organise workshops that address the unique challenges and needs faced by neurodivergent individuals in research settings, while also promoting your professional development and success.   Your participation in this survey will shape the content and structure of these workshops to ensure they meet your needs and interests. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose of workshop planning and development.   For enquiries, please contact

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OPPORTUNITY: The Royal Photographic Society 2024 Annual Bursaries FUNDING now open | various – closing dates in June, August 2024

The Royal Photographic Society 2024 Annual Bursaries aim to help support photographers develop, finance and realise photography projects. The funding can be used to support aspects of a project such as research, travel, equipment, website development and creating an exhibition. All bursaries project are published in the RPS Journal. On completion of the projects, each recipient will also have the opportunity to have your portfolio printed by Metro Imaging and receiveremote mentoring from its Director Steve Macleod.  JOAN WAKELIN BURSARY in partnership with The Guardian. Closing 6 June – £2000 The Joan Wakelin Bursary offers funding and the chance to have work published in the Guardian in addition to The RPS Journal. The Bursary is awarded to the photographer who presents the best proposal for a photographic essay on an overseas social documentary issue. RPS/MPB POSTGRADUATE BURSARY  supported by MPB. Closing 10 June – £3500 To support postgraduate students undertaking […]

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£500 prize Research and Knowledge Exchange = Research Poster Competition has been extended to Monday 18 March 2024

The deadline for submissions to the Research Poster Competition has been extended. The Research and Knowledge Exchange team would like to encourage all research staff, as well as postgraduate research students, to participate. There will be three categories for judging and a prize of £500 each for research-related expenses for each of the following: People’s Prize Postgraduate Research Student prize Staff prize Voting for the People’s prize takes place at our Research and Knowledge Exchange Showcase Event, open to our entire University of Brighton community, including all academic and professional staff and students. Taking place at the Sallis Benney Theatre at Grand Parade (3pm-4.30pm). You can vote for your favourite research poster on display in the Grand Parade foyer. Competition winners will be announced at the Showcase Event and there will be an opportunity for networking over refreshments at the end of the day. Visit the Research and Knowledge Exchange Week blog to see the timetable for […]

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Call for Papers: by 12 April 2024 for Symposium Vestiges of Memory – Intersections between photography and autobiographical memory – University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, UK | 18 July 2024

“I cannot penetrate, cannot reach into the Photograph. I can only sweep it with my glance, like a smooth surface” (Barthes, 2000: 106) We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the International research symposium that focuses on the intricate relationships between photography and autobiographical memory, which is scheduled to take place on 18 July 2024 at The University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury, UK. This interdisciplinary event aims to explore ways in which 21st century artists, photographic practitioners and other researchers attempt to reach and rummage beyond the smooth surface of the photograph, and contemplate its relationship and contributions to the construction of autobiographical memory. We invite scholars, artists, academics, practitioner-researchers, researcherpractitioners, and other professionals doing research into relationships between memory and images created through the “frightfully speculative eye” (Deleuze, 1990: 243) of the photographic camera to propose papers and panels that explore, but are not […]

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Call for submissions Symposium – “After AI” | 17 May 2024 – Deadline abstract submission: 28 March 2024

This is organised by “Shifting Power”  a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project exploring the long-term impacts of AI, particularly those that do not centre (primarily) White, Western European notions of innovation, morality and justice. I have copied part of the call below. Call for submissions to be found here: The symposium date: 17 May 2024 Information about:“Shifting Power” and the research project This UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project explores the long-term impacts of AI, particularly those that do not centre (primarily) White, Western European notions of innovation, morality and justice. To help us explore the future of this technology, and the consequences we expect it to have on people, society, the planet and beyond, the Shifting Power team is hosting a symposium on what happens “After AI”. As part of our current explorations into the topic with researchers and enthusiasts from all over the world, we have learned that our understanding of […]

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Funding: The Official Development Assistance (ODA) – submit applications by 8 March 2024

The Official Development Assistance (ODA) Fund provides funding for research and knowledge exchange activity that specifically targets the economic development and welfare of developing countries. This scheme has been supported from the new Research England International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) to fund official development assistance (ODA) compliant research. The fund aims to support new or existing research that addresses the problems faced by developing countries and address a clear global challenge. The total value of this fund is £22,000; applicants can apply for any amount appropriate to the activity and within the scope of the total funding. To read about the scheme pleasse refer to the PDF here: ODA Fund Guidance 23-24 Please find the RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE Official Development Assistance (ODA) Fund 2023-2024 here:ODA Fund Application Form 2023-2024 Note to submit applications to by 23.59 8 March 2024.

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Initiatives to support research and knowledge exchange throughout the University during 2023-2024 – Duncan Bullen

Dear Colleagues There are several initiatives to support research and knowledge exchange throughout the University during 2023-2024. These initiatives are linked to RKE workstreams – research excellence, nurturing talent, sustained impact and international – and include range of internal funding and development opportunities to support researchers across all disciplines and career stages. There will be more detailed information on StaffCentral and in Staff News at the end of this month and, as ever, our colleagues in the Research and Knowledge Exchange Department can answer specific queries. Research Excellence Launchpad The Research Excellence Launchpad provides pump priming funding to support innovative R&KE ideas that can lead to external grant capture and the production of excellent outputs. Open to all research-active colleagues Amount: up to £25,000 Application window: 13 November 2023 – 31 January 2024 Awards made: February 2024 Projects must be delivered between 1 August 2024 and 31 July 2025. For […]

Continue Reading from Thursday 7 September 2023, UK researchers can apply for grants and bid to take part in projects under the Horizon programme, with certainty that the UK will be participating as a fully associated member for the remaining life of the programme to 2027

Research bid/grant: Horizon Europe science research and innovation programme

The UK has rejoined the European Union’s €95.5 billion (£82bn) . In summary from Thursday 7 September 2023, UK researchers can apply for grants and bid to take part in projects under the Horizon programme, with certainty that the UK will be participating as a fully associated member for the remaining life of the programme to 2027 See here: UK rejoins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal (

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Techne 2024 CDA Project Proposals: Application Guidance and Timetable for the 2024 cycle The closing date for the institutional supported EOI is 18 October 2023

The details of the techne CDA competition for the October 2024 recruitment process have been announced. Guidance notes for the scheme including the timeframe for submission, review and selection of the CDA’s to go forward for recruitment are to be found in the linked document: Techne-CDA-Application-Guidance-2024 And, the proposal is here: Techne-CDA-Project-Proposal-2024 The closing date for the institutional supported expressions of interest to be submitted is Wednesday 18th October 2023. This year again, each institution is allowed to submit up to three Stage 1 proposals to be supervised jointly by them and another non-HEI organisation. Techne partner organisations can independently submit up to 2 proposals, naming a techne HEI as a collaborator. Non techne partners cannot submit proposals for the CDA scheme. Some wonderful partnerships and collaborations have emerged in past years, thanks to your immense hard work and commitment to the techne vision and we have been successful in […]

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Open Call 2 by 31 May 2023- holt journal for artistic research

Post source from email send by Fergus Heron 28/04/2023 holt journal for artistic research is extending its second call for submissions on the theme situations. We have selected Situations as our theme given the wide parameters of application. Claire Doherty, in her edited book Situations: Documents of Contemporary Art (2009, 14), poses the following question as the premise for her editorial choices, “How might we understand or describe the potential for artistic agency in specific places?” In this second call for submissions, holt seeks to revisit this question and open up new ways to address transformative practices and artist’s agency. Situations are context dependent, addressing the multiplicity, complexity and limitations of site, or offer avenues to destabilising a sense of place. We are interested in artistic and practice-led methodologies that could expand on the meaning of the term situations, as well as examine broad, local, and multiple related interpretations or […]

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Practice makes perfect: How AHRC is supporting practice research

UK Research and Innovation | Practice makes perfect: How Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is supporting practice research Link to summary of understanding of the place of practice research infunded portfolio and  future plans to support. Practice makes perfect: how AHRC is supporting practice research   Practice makes perfect: how AHRC is supporting practice research A summary of our understanding of the place of practice research in our funded portfolio and our future plans to support. A thriving research and innovation ecosystem One of the principles for change set out in the UKRI strategy 2022 to 2027 is to support a multiplicity of ideas, people, activities, skills, institutions and infrastructures as part of a rich portfolio of research and innovation activity in the UK. Practice research spans the breadth of the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) portfolio, stretching across the arts and humanities disciplines and beyond to make connections across […]

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Call for papers by 1 May 2023 for Documentary Futures International Symposium

In the second edition of the Documentary Futures international symposium, we address the state of the image and the rapidly altering landscape of photographic practice in the wake of the explosion and commercialisation of Artificial Intelligence. We explore what role artists, theorists and documentarians can assume within or against the architecture of machine learning at this critical juncture in human-machine development whilst exploring the implications of big data on photography and our shifting relationship to reality as affected by technical imagery. The second aspect and panel of the symposium will seek to understand how we use documentary’s own shortcomings and blind spots in a world where fact rather than truth is debated. We discuss what methods are used by practitioners and researchers to embrace the faults, power dynamics and fictions inherent in their medium(s). In doing so we can look to engage in documentary’s speculative potential and function in imagining hopeful […]

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Important changes for UK research council grant (UKRI) applications

Dear Colleagues For anyone applying for UKRI/research council grants I encourage you to register to attend one of these briefings – as described in the Staff Central news story this week. The changes will affect your ability to apply for grants if you are not up to date on the changes and transition plans from the Je-S system to The Funding Service.  We would therefore encourage as many people as possible to register for these briefings – one at each campus – between 3rd – 6th April 2023. Thanks very much. Best wishes Duncan   Summary: Important changes for UK research council grant applications  If you are planning a research grant application to any of the UK Research Councils, important changes have been announced regarding a new funding application portal. Researchers are encouraged to book now to find out more at specific briefings in April. By the end of 2023, the […]

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Supporting practice research: Arts & Humanities Research Council Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

A summary of our understanding of the place of practice research in our funded portfolio and our future plans to support. One of the principles for change set out in the UKRI strategy 2022 to 2027 is to support a multiplicity of ideas, people, activities, skills, institutions and infrastructures as part of a rich portfolio of research and innovation activity in the UK.

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Bid Support – August 22

We would like to hear about your research and knowledge exchange ideas from the very early stages. Speak to Duncan Bullen as your ADoS and contact the Research and Knowledge Exchange team, (RaKE) via for an initial chat about your project idea and how we can help you take this forward. Once you are at a stage where you want to actively develop your idea into an application for external funding, RaKE will send you an Intention To Develop (ITD) survey link which captures key initial info such as funder/scheme*, project dates and what resources might be needed.

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Bid Builder Programme 22-23

The University of Brighton has launched a new development programme to support staff in building the skills they need to develop bids to secure external research grant funding. Bid Builder will teach the skills of bid writing and then apply these to a bid being developed for the Programme. This Programme uses supportive face-to-face sessions to teach participants about the process and steps required to build bids (the building blocks of successful research grant writing). In between these sessions, there will an obligation to peer-review the work of others in the cohort as it is developed.

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Impact Acceleration Account – Calls & Activities

The University has been awarded a prestigious UKRI Impact Acceleration Account, funded through the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This grant will enable us to both showcase and advance how our arts and humanities research provides real-world change in response to key societal challenges. Impact is understood as the change, effect or benefit across all sectors and communities, deriving from research and knowledge exchange activities. This grant will establish a series of internal funding calls and skills and capacity building initiatives between 2022-2025 to build our impact outcomes further. Calls and Activities Strand two: Ignite Partnership Model Ignite 3.1: Community-university partnership seed-funding First call is open. Deadline for applications is 23rd September 2022. Please review the guidance and download an application form here. Strand three: Responsive and challenge-led Responsive mode impact fund First call is open on an ongoing basis Please view the guidance to find out more details related […]

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Research Professional

The University of Brighton holds a subscription to Research Professional, an online search engine that can be used to access inter/ national funding opportunities, application advice and HE related news. I have set up an example funding search on the dedicated SAM page, ( which colleagues can use as is, or can edit to better suit their personal preferences in terms of discipline, research area or funder. Once the new search is saved to their personal RP account, it can be used to generate weekly emails profiling new opportunities as they arise under these search parameters.   I’m hoping to organise some Research Professional training sessions soon with further tips and support, in the meantime, please direct any queries to me via Laura Shockley, Research Development Officer Research Professional

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Bid Support

We would like to hear about your research and knowledge exchange ideas from the very early stages. Speak to Duncan Bullen as your ADoS and contact the Research and Knowledge Exchange team, (RaKE) via for an initial chat about your project idea and how we can help you take this forward. Once you are at a stage where you want to actively develop your idea into an application for external funding, RaKE will send you an Intention To Develop (ITD) survey link which captures key initial info such as funder/ scheme*, project dates and what resources might be needed. The ITD provides the School with enough information to consider/approve the bid for further development and depending on project nature, RaKE will allocate a Research Development Officer or Knowledge Exchange Manager to support you on each step of the journey towards bid submission, including proposal and budget development, funder portal […]

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Brighton Festival of Open Research

The full programme is now available for the Brighton Festival of Open Research, which is taking place on Tuesday 21st June at the Watson Building in Falmer. You can find the programme and register for the event here. The festival will focus on embedding and improving open research culture here at the University of Brighton.  Professor Rusi Jaspal, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, will open the event, and we are delighted to have a number of renowned experts to speak for us, including: ·     Prof Zoltan Dienes, Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Sussex, will share his expertise in Registered Reports (where an acceptance to publish is made before the results are known) as a format for improving science. ·     Prof Chris Chambers, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Cardiff University and author of “Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology: A Manifesto for Reforming the […]

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Call for papers: The Global Diffusion of Tailored Clothes for Women 1750 – 1930

Call for papers: The Global Diffusion of Tailored Clothes for Women 1750 – 1930 Friday 16th and Saturday 17th September 2022 Organised by the European-wide ACORSO Research Interest Group ‘Tailoring for Women 1750 – 1930’, this two-day conference entitled The Global Diffusion of Tailored Clothes for Women 1750 – 1930 seeks papers exploring the diffusion of, design, manufacture, technology, products, material culture, retailing, trade, commerce, and the related sartorial etiquette of, tailored clothes for women specifically between 1750 and 1930. In this period between 1750 and 1930, a greater proportion of socioeconomic classes and a global market increasingly gained access to tailored clothes for women. Tailored garments for women would also have been used by the colonial ruling classes as a signal of their continued Western sartorial tastes while in India, Africa and other colonised regions. Underpinning this access was diffusion – enabled by trans-national trade routes, the mass communication […]

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European Regional Development Fund ERDF funded RISE and BRITE programmes

The School of Art and Media continues to be active participants in the European Regional Development Fund ERDF funded RISE and BRITE programmes. Josh Newman from Film Production has been awarded £5,000 of funding from RISE to apply his expertise to support local SME Your Sales Partners with the production brief for their new online training package. Josh will be investigating educational technologies and prioritising content areas for Your Sales Partners to inform the production brief and providing quality assurance checking of completed work. This expertise support will help Your Sales Partners develop realistic and quality new online products enabling innovative growth by expanding into new markets. Rachael Taylor and Jules Findley from Fashion Coms have been awarded £7,000 of funding to work with BRITE member Ruby Moon, a Brighton (Plus X) based sustainable swimwear company. The funding will enable Rachael and Jules to research and develop a design process […]

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Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Programme

To reserve your place, email with the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. Workshops will be held on Microsoft Teams unless otherwise stated. Making the Most of the Research Mentoring Relationship Aristea Fotopoulou, Marcus Winter and Mel Flint Monday 13 June 2022, 10-12pm Online via Microsoft Teams Would benefit: mentors and staff who wish to be mentors or who are being mentored and wish to know how to make the most of the mentoring framework. The purpose of this highly interactive workshop for academic staff is to provide insight into modern research mentoring techniques and tools, exploring the benefits of research mentoring for the mentee as well as the mentor, and creating a solid foundation for a valuable learning process for both mentors and mentees. The key tool will be the Mentor + Game, an innovative game that will help clarify the different research mentoring roles or communication […]

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Accessibility View Research Mentoring Day – 27 April 2022

CALLING ALL SCHOOL OF ART & MEDIA RESEARCHERS, RESEARCH MENTORS AND MENTEES 27 April 2022, M2 Boardroom, Mezzanine floor Grand Parade You are all invited to a day devoted to research mentoring training for mentor/mentee pairs, research networking and peer support for developing research bids. Come along to meet others in the school, to learn how to form productive research relationships, and to spend a day focusing on research.   Programme   10.00-10.30am Research Culture in SAM, Duncan Bullen Associate Dean Research & Knowledge Exchange, School of Art and Media   10.30-11.30 Bid prep good practice and peer support Facilitator: Laura Shockley, Research Development Officer   11.30-12.00 Speed-dating networking session   12-12.30 Lunch   12.30-2.00 Building a research mentoring relationship for mentors and mentees Facilitators: Prof Flis Henwood and Dr Aristea Fotopoulou, Research Mentoring Lead SAM   Please let us know you are coming by 20 April by email to […]

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Spotlight on Women Researchers

Research England allocated £150K to the University of Brighton for immediate investment into enhancing research culture for this current academic year and, one of our approved activities focuses on supporting and showcasing the careers of women researchers in our institution. This funding and these events represent an opportunity to share experiences, explore potential barriers to career development, and exchange ideas about how to address issues.   Spotlight on Women Researchers: Breaking Barriers Monday 25 April 2022, 11-1.30pm, 513 Watts Building, Moulsecoomb Campus We know that breaking barriers to career development for women researchers is crucial. And we know that we need both women and allies to work together to find solutions – so while this event is aimed at women researchers, it is open to all colleagues with an interest in advancing opportunities for women researchers. Attendees will hear from external speakers about the challenges and ways to overcome them […]

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Bid Support

We would like to hear about your research and knowledge exchange ideas from the very early stages. Speak to Duncan Bullen as your ADoS and contact the Research and Knowledge Exchange team, (RaKE) via for an initial chat about your project idea and how we can help you take this forward. Once you are at a stage where you want to actively develop your idea into an application for external funding, RaKE will send you an Intention To Develop (ITD) survey link which captures key initial info such as funder/ scheme*, project dates and what resources might be needed. The ITD provides the School with enough information to consider/approve the bid for further development and depending on project nature, RaKE will allocate a Research Development Officer or Knowledge Exchange Manager to support you on each step of the journey towards bid submission, including proposal and budget development, funder portal […]

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Research and Knowledge Exchange Development

To reserve your place, email with the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. Workshops will be held on Microsoft Teams.   Research and Knowledge Exchange Induction Tuesday 26 April 2022, 11-12.30pm. This event will be delivered in person. Would benefit:  All staff new to the University of Brighton or who would like to know more about research and knowledge exchange. The event will focus on how to access central services that support research active staff and how to make the most of your time as a researcher at the University of Brighton. Topics covered will include elements of researcher development available – such as research mentoring, workshops and initiatives – an introduction to the Early Career Researcher community, an introduction to knowledge exchange funding and how to build an online research portfolio. Facilitators: Ingrid Pugh, Associate Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Lauren Greenslate, Research Services Administrator and […]

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School of Art and Media – One Day Short Courses

We are delighted to share that our School of Art & Media 1 day Short Courses for adults are live, with more info and booking here   They will be running 6th to 10th of June 2022 in our renowned Grand Parade Building.   Monoprint for Beginners with Phil Tyler – Monday, 6 June 10.00am-4.00pm   Slow Fashion – Make and Mend with Susie Petrou Tuesday, 7 June 10.00am-4.00pm   Fashion Illustration with  Gary Kaye – Thursday, 9 June 10.00am-4.00pm   Dry Point for Etching with Phil Tyler – Friday, 10 June 10.00am-4.00pm  

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Research and Knowledge Exchange Development

To reserve your place, email with the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. Workshops will be held on Microsoft Teams. Reaching wider audiences through The Conversation Wednesday 30 March, 12-2pm – Microsoft Teams. Isobel Creed and an Editor from The Conversation The Conversation is an online independent source of news, written by academics and researchers, offering an unmissable opportunity to reach a wide audience for their research. Meet with an editor and find out more about pitching ideas and the supportive editorial process. As well as reaching a much broader audience, publication in The Conversation can lead to opportunities including new collaborations, media enquiries and invitations to talk about your research or contribute to debate or policymaking. To reserve your place, email with the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. Making the most of the research mentoring relationship – 10 May, 1-2.30pm The purpose of this […]

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Update from the Doctoral College Team

Research Mentoring and Leadership Scheme We have recently launched our Research Mentoring and Leadership Scheme for PGRs. Under the scheme, successful PGRs applicants would act as mentors to undergraduates or PGTs, and gain valuable experience of mentoring and managing a research project/activity.   The deadline for applications is 28 March. We appreciate this is a short timeframe but we’d be grateful for your support if one of your supervisees expresses an interest in the scheme or if you thought it appropriate to encourage an application. Information about the scheme was circulated to all PGRs last week.   You can read more about the mentoring scheme on the Doctoral College SharePoint site.   UKRI New Deal for Postgraduate Research UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is inviting contributions to a consultation survey for its New Deal for PGR. The New Deal aims to improve the experience and quality of postgraduate research training […]

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The Great Minds and Rising Stars Initiatives 

The deadline for the Great Minds Initiative and the Rising Stars Initiative has changed – applications now must be submitted to by 23:59 23 February 2022.  All applicants will be required to meet with Tamar and myself as Associate Dean R&KE to discuss their plans before submitting an application, which will require final sign off by Tamar, Dean of the School.  Please contact Nicole Ramsamy to book a slot to meet with Tamar and I, as we will need to complete supporting statements and run full financial costings.  The Great Minds initiative is intended to enable researchers to take a period of time away from their substantive role at the University, in order to develop and submit a research or knowledge exchange grant, or produce an outstanding output. It offers awards of up to £10,000, and exceptionally up to £15,000, to buy out time. For 2022-23, the Great Minds […]

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Great Minds and Rising Stars initiatives

The University’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Initiatives offer researchers at all stages of their careers support to develop their research and knowledge exchange ideas and projects through a variety of schemes and competitions. Details of the initiatives can be found via the link below. It would be wonderful to have colleagues from within the School apply. Research and Knowledge Exchange Initiatives ( Please note the deadline for applications for these initiatives is 23rd February 2022

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Sussex Humanities Lab Open Call artist in residence 2022

Sussex Humanities Lab Open Call artist in residence 2022 Deadline: 12 noon Monday 21 February 2022 Please see below link to information about an opportunity from the Sussex Humanities Lab via LinkedIn, and brief summary below.  It’s akin to an Arts Council application, where bids might go in on a personal level rather than via the university, but might be of interest to Arts & Media practitioner colleagues.   **********************************   The Sussex Humanities Lab, based at the University of Sussex is piloting a new artist residency scheme. We are seeking proposals from artists/creative practitioners based in the South East of England, whose work uses digital tools, to undertake a residency at the Lab during spring 2022. The residency should result in a small-scale exhibition (COVID restrictions permitting) and an online presentation. This is a paid opportunity open to early-career artists – full criteria can be found here: Sussex Humanities […]

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Research Mentoring from Aristea Fotopoulou

Research Mentoring Lead Aristea Fotopoulou has written to all colleagues about mentoring opportunities. The email is here for your convenience:  Research Mentoring is highly valuable for researchers, and the University has established a framework that guides its operation (see University of Brighton’s Research Mentoring Framework).  As a new school, we have quite distinct needs when it comes to Research Mentoring. There will be an opportunity to hear a bit more about the Research Mentoring plan of action for 2021/22 at the Staff Development day on Monday 20th December, but the key idea is that we will follow a subject-specific approach, rather than a one-size fits all approach. In a nutshell, the aims of Research Mentoring for the School of Art & Media this year are to support both practice-based and more theory-inclined colleagues with their distinct research career needs. As a School we will develop a supportive mentoring system that […]

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Upcoming Workshops – Semester Two

Reaching wider audiences with your research To reserve your place, email with the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. Workshops will be held on Microsoft Teams. Wednesday 9 February, 2-3.30pm – Microsoft Teams. Research Communications Team Who do you want to reach with your research? Why? How? When? This workshop invites you to consider your objectives and explores what helps to make content stand out. We’ll explore different ways to frame and tell your story, what works, what doesn’t, and consider everything from quick fixes to campaigns over time to help you reach new audiences. We’ll guide you on how to make the most from internally-facing and externally-facing channels, from improving your Pure profile to writing pitches for The Conversation and embracing the opportunities that media exposure, blogs, social media and digital storytelling offer. Reaching wider audiences through The Conversation Wednesday 30 March, 12-2pm – Microsoft Teams. Isobel […]

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Paul Sermon, Doctoral Studies Lead writes:  “This year we will be extending and launching a school wide SaM PGR Methods Programme, which will include monthly talks and seminars from current SaM supervisors. This series of 40-minute talks/seminars will be on supervisor’s own research, with a focus on the methods they use to undertake it. Everything from interviews and observation techniques to using archives, case studies and creative practice – and anything else. 

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SaM Funding As part of the University commitment to support Research and Knowledge Exchange activities, we have School based funding to support staff and PGR students. Applications can be downloaded here and will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with colleagues in SaM providing internal peer review. Applications can be submitted at any time during the academic year 2021/22, but activities must take place before the end of the financial year 31 July 2022. Your application should be submitted to SAM- 3 

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The Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Programme 2021- 2022 is now available here. The programme contains pre-scheduled events that are open to all staff and an on-demand option. Please let Duncan Bullen know if there are any on-demand sessions you would like to request for SaM, or if there are topics you are interested in exploring that do not feature in the programme. 

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This is just a reminder to sign-up and create a password to access Research Professional. Given that we did not have access to Research Professional for all last year this is an important moment for individual members of staff to access funding opportunities, the latest research news and case studies in their respective research areas. Bid Support have worked with Research Professional to pre-register staff so that all you will need to do is click on the link in the email you received in August to your login, within the email you can receive, and create a password for your account. For COREs and REGs a lead member of staff will be able to create a ‘Work Group’ for their CORE or REG and produce a ‘magazine’ once a month for circulation on funding opportunities and/or ingest information direct onto a website or SharePoint pages. A news item has been posted on Staff Central and can be accessed here. We are keen to get as many people using this resource as possible, as soon as possible, so that we are not missing out as a university on new research and knowledge exchange funding opportunities and important research news (policy announcements, analysis etc.) 

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School Research Ethics Committees / application reviewers. We are looking for colleagues from each Subject Area to join the School Research Ethics Committee, which meets several times a year and oversees the work of the panel reviewing ethical applications. As a member of the Committee, you will also be on the panel of ethics reviewers to look at a sample of ethics applications throughout the year. If you are interested in joining the committee as part of your CPD, please contact Douglas McNaughton for an informal discussion.