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Book & Event: Random Notes about Doodling, Sketching, Drawing and Illustrating by John Vernon Lord | Talk on 22 September 2024 at Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft

Random Notes about Doodling, Sketching, Drawing and Illustrating looks at the works and private sketchbooks of acclaimed illustrator, John Vernon Lord. With works from the 1950’s to 2023, this volume represents the most comprehensive range of work from Lord. Sketchbooks The publication includes an introductory essay from writer and broadcaster Brian Sibley and four new essays by John Vernon Lord on the differences between doodling, sketching, drawing and illustrating. Lord is internationally acclaimed for his works for James Joyce’s Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, his illustrations Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and his writing and drawings for the seminal The Giant Jam Sandwich set to verse by Janet Burroway. ‘This book represents 66 years of some of Lord’s drawings and notes carried out from his student days to the present (1957-2023). They are mostly informal works that were carried out as a way of exploring and discovering. There are very nearly 700 pages of drawings here selected from […]

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News: Payment deadline for invoices 2 July 2024 for current SAM QR RKE Projects and IAA projects

Please send all payments to Karen Gainsford – for start of day Tuesday 2nd July 2024 or if a regular supplier Tuesday 9th July 2024. Deadline should be worked to for all payment requests – from RKE Central Team Deadline is: End of June please. 31st July 2024 is the financial year end and we must have placed the order, received the goods, been invoiced for them and paid for them before 31st July 2024 . End of June gives us enough lead time to sort all this out If it’s an item from a ‘usual’ supplier (who send invoices regularly) and will be sent in a day or two then next week at the latest (5th July 2024) ”    

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News: Project report to The Forestry Commission – Community21 REG and contributions from other academic and technical colleagues

Project report to The Forestry Commission supporting local timber supply chain and product design into social housing. See here:Woods_to_Outcomes_Report_15MB Thanks go to our Community21 REG team, to academic and technical colleagues in two UoB schools, Research and Knowledge Exchange colleagues, University of Sussex and the engagement of Lewes and Eastbourne District Council and Woodland Enterprise, stakeholder organisations  and of course The Forestry Commission. Do get in touch with Nick Gant via email: if you have any questions / further interest. See   Posted by Karen Gainsford

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Event: Book launch of new books by Center of Design History members – including Sue Breakell on 3 June 2024 6-8pm at Grand Parade, M2

The Centre for Design History is proud to announce new books by its members, Sue Breakell, Kate Guy, Hajra Williams, Claire Wintle, and their colleagues. Join us for a joint book launch, to hear from the authors and their colleagues about their respective projects, and to celebrate their success. For more information, see the Centre for Design History blog: here:  

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Event/News: Vanessa Marr discusses craft activisim and her work features (Domestic Dusters) at Craft Really works Exhibition 15-17 May 2024 at Shoreditch Town Hall

Craft Works is a collection of projects and approaches from all parts of the UK. The exhibition, Craft Really Works  is curated by Jade Ilke of the BBC’s series The Repair Shop, and brings together a varied selection of people to promote the benefits of collaborative crafting. Vanessa Marr’s work  is exhibited and she also is a participant on the panel discussion about Craft Activism. Find out more and register for free tickets here EVENTS ON THE 15 MAY 2024 to note: 10-12pm Employablity Session for Students 5.45 to 6.25 pm Craft Activism Vanessa Marr is being interviewed (by Jade Ilke) in a panel discussion ABOUT DOMESTIC DUSTERS Domestic Dusters is a collaborative, creative and craft-based project that includes submissions from women from across the world and from many different backgrounds. Each participant has responded to the open provocation: Women and Domesticity – What’s your Perspective? by embroidering their […]

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News: The University of Brighton Design Archives will receive £315,000 from the Research England Museum, Galleries and Collections Fund –

Retaining their position among the country’s top archives to receive support, the Design Archives will receive £63,000 in each of the next five academic years. The award recognises that the Design Archives team, collections and facilities provide a unique and significant contribution to research, scholarship and research impact in the UK and internationally. Funds are only granted to institutions that serve both their own and the wider research community. The funding followed a competitive review of university museums and galleries, led by Dr Nick Merriman OBE, Chief Executive of English Heritage, and formerly, Chief Executive and Director of Content for the Horniman Museum and Gardens. See the University SharePoint feature for more details,000-funding.aspx?dm_i=1SNX,8LD0W,9WGGSV,ZLP5G,1  Image: Sue Breakell Archive Director at the University of Brighton Design Archives, and a Principal Research Fellow and Lesley Whitworth  Deputy Curator and Senior Research Fellow in the University of Brighton Design Archives. Posted by Karen […]

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News: University of Brighton Design Archives, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), are working in collaboration with The National Archives to explore and problem-solve the challenges of archival collection management

If you are a conservator or an archivist interested in joining the network, please contact Sirpa Kutilainen – ( Preservation and Digital Resource Coordato from The Univeristy of Brighton Design Archives   Read about a forthcoming project event: Developed by the University of Brighton Design Archives, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and working in collaboration with The National Archives, the event will explore and problem-solve the challenges of working with existing buildings housing archival collections whilst building capacity for more sustainable and cost-effective practices. The event is conservator-lead, driven by professionals from across the sector experimenting with reducing energy consumption whilst centring the historic collections in their care. It will facilitate discussion and discovery, sharing methodologies and evolving innovative approaches to this work, and will establish a support network for colleagues across the archive sector who seek a […]

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Vanessa Marr (Domestic Dusters) and Katy Styles (We Care) were awarded the 3rd Sector Care Creative Arts Award in Birmingham on 15 March 2024. This award recognises exceptional practice that supports the care sector. We Care, a grassroots organisation run by Katy Styles, campaigns for the rights of unpaid carers, and Domestic Dusters,  practice-based research project by Principal lecturer Vanessa Marr, who uses embroidered dusting cloths to champion the rights of women, share a mutual interest in the invisible nature of care in a domestic context. Both partners have singlehandedly built their initiatives from scratch, fuelled by a desire to translate lived-experience into positive change-making and impact-led activities. This craft-activist collaboration has united unpaid carers in in a common creative and change-making cause to improve their rights, giving them a voice where they would otherwise be silenced, unheard or ignored. The carers, many of them parents or spouses of those they […]

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Gramarye Issue 23 out now with Artist Statement on Angela Carter: A Radical Prescience?  This includes an Artists Statement  by Vanessa Marr, Principal Lecturer, University of Brighton

You may be interested to know that our next issue of Gramarye is due out soon. You can pre-order it from the online store here. This issue’s contents include: ‘Beyond the Failure of Communication with Others: Angela Carter from a Global Perspective’, Natsumi Ikoma ‘“We Played at Heroes and Villains”: Mythmaking and Patriarchal Post-Apocalyptic Dystopia in Heroes and Villains’, Caighlan Smith ‘Sexual Violence and Asexual Erotics in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber’, Nadia Saleh ‘Mythic Deconstruction in Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop and Nights at The Circus’, Dr Wiem Krifa ‘The Rewilding of Fairy: Queer Desires in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber’, Elizabeth A. Howard ‘Ghosts at an Exhibition: From Image to Text in Angela Carter’s Strange Worlds’, Marie Mulvey-Roberts ‘Angela Carter: A Radical Prescience? Artists Statement’, Vanessa Marr (follows): Angela Carter’s reimagining of some of our best loved fairy tales sits at the heart of feminist perspectives on her work. From the young bride who […]

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Further award success for The Rez as its awarded Bronze for Drama at the 2023 ARIAS awards

Further award success for The Rez | Lance Dann’s The Rez awarded Bronze for Drama at the 2023 ARIAS awards. The Audio and Radio Industry Awards (ARIAS) are annual awards awarded for excellence in UK radio and audio presenting and production. ARIAS  winners at the Drury Lane Theatre – Dr Lance Dann of the University of Brighton and Prof Martin Spinelli  of the Univeristy of Sussex.  Before this, they  spent the afternoon at a school in North London where they are using the The Rez Project to teach children about mental health issues. See more about The Rez HERE 

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One Brighton Staff Awards: Colleagues won and supported

At 20th April’s  One Brighton Staff Awards, two colleagues from the School of Art and Media received awards in the Research and Knowledge Exchange category. I am delighted to say that the winner for Sustained Impact was Lance Dann and the winner for Internationalisation was Nicola Ashmore. Also a big shout out for Technical Demonstrator Chris Stokes, Technical Hub Workshop Manager Ade Krumins who designed and made the bespoke awards, and thank you to all the technical staff in SAM who supported them. Finally, well done to all colleagues who were nominated in the various categories. From email of 21/04/2023 from Duncan Bullen Associate Dean: Research and Knowledge Exchange

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The Rez Project | Lance Dann

Lance Dann and Martin Spinelli’s  (of the University of Sussex) podcast project (The Rez) is heralded as helping to alleviate the media-induced mental health crisis among children. The Rez has become the first podcast to be used as part of the school curriculum. It is a children’s sci-fi adventure series that has been endorsed by the PSHE Association, the charity that supports teachers and schools with resources for teaching personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education. It has also been downloaded over 300,000 times by children around the world. There’s a lot of interest in this project Lance was on BBC Radio Wales talking about the project recently, The Rez project was featured in an article in Independent (20/2/23): and it has just been nominated for the University’s One Brighton Awards (in the Research and Knowledge Sustained Impact category). The team behind The Rez is looking for ways of growing the project, including using their techniques to reach out to children in vulnerable […]

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Farewell to Sue Gollifer

As many of you will know, Principal Lecturer, MA Fine Art, Sue Gollifer is retiring from the university this summer and I’m sure you would like to join me in thanking her for her contribution to the research environment.

Sue and I worked together for a few years on BA Fine Art Printmaking, before Sue moved to set up MA Digital Media Arts. As a pioneer of early computer art, Sue has continuously explored the relationship between technology and the arts and has developed an international reputation. Over a long academic career, Sue has written extensively on this subject, as well as making her own prints as part of her fine art practice and curation of significant exhibitions and conferences.

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Launch of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Strategic Plan 22-25

Building on our recent REF2021 success, our ambitious plan will provide a roadmap for our next steps with an emphasis on cultivating excellence in research and knowledge exchange, nurturing talent, sustaining impact, and promoting internationalisation. In keeping with our overarching university strategy, Practical Wisdom, we are focused on realising potential and shaping futures, and our values of creativity, inclusivity, sustainability and partnership are central to our aspirations.

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Roderick Mills wins Award of Excellence from the Society for News Design

Roderick Mills received an Award of Excellence from the Society for News Design (SND) earlier this year, for illustration work commissioned by the New York Times in a feature entitled the 52 Places We Love that included a cover Illustration. A poignant subject amidst the COVID-19 pandemic restricting global travel, and on a personal level the work was completed during the Christmas/New Year lockdown period in the UK. Subsequently as part of a series of L6 Professional Practice workshops and lectures in Illustration Roderick talked through working in editorial for mainstream media and the collaborative process of a commission, working with art directors and designers internationally.

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Prof. Julie Doyle’s climate communications research cited in the IPCC report

Three of Julie Doyle’s climate communications research outputs have been cited in the recently published UN IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (WGIII) Mitigation of Climate Change and Julie’s findings inform the report’s recommendations for climate action. The IPCC reports represent the most comprehensive and up to date overview of international climate science. The report states that ‘The cumulative scientific evidence is unequivocal: Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all’   Julie’s research on the climate branding tactics of fossil fuel company BP (Doyle 2011) and joint research on the co-option of ‘climate care’ by corporations (Doyle et al. 2019), is cited in Chapter 5 of the report as examples of how collective climate action are […]

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Jasper Goodall makes top three finalist for The Louis Roederer Photography Prize for Sustainability

Jasper Goodall, Senior Lecturer Photography, has been nominated for and made one of the top three finalists for The Louis Roederer Photography Prize for Sustainability in collaboration with Lux Magazine and Nobu Hotel London. Louis Roederer is an organic champagne and wine producer and set up the Fondation to foster arts and creativity.   The winner, Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah was announced on the 12th May and all three finalists will have their work on display in the White Box – the Nobu Hotel street front gallery space.

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Holly Chard wins ‘Best First Monograph’ Award for 2022 British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies’

As reported in our last newsletter, following being shortlisted, Holly Chard, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Screen Media, has won the ‘Best First Monograph’ award for her book Mainstream Maverick: John Hughes and New Hollywood Cinema at the 2022 British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies’. Mainstream Maverick, published by University of Texas Press, is the first scholarly book to explore the films and career of John Hughes, one of the most prolific and commercially successful filmmakers of the 1980s and 1990s. It examines Hollywood’s complex relationship with genre, the role of the auteur in commercial cinema, and the legacy of movies such as Sixteen Candles (1984) and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986).   Holly was keen to produce a scholarly book which combined archival research and film analysis, but which remained accessible to a range of readers, including undergraduate students. She hopes she has achieved this goal. At the […]

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Results of the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021)

I’m sure by now you will have had chance to read about the results of the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021) which were published on Thursday 12 May. You can read a response from Professor Rusi Jaspal, Pro- Vice Chancellor (R&KE) and follow the links to find out more by clicking here.   Colleagues from Art and Media were submitted to three Units of Assessment (UoA), the highlights are summarised below.   D32 Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory 86% of our research is rated world-leading or as internationally excellent Over 80% of our research outputs are rated as world-leading or as internationally excellent 90% of our research impact is assessed as outstanding or very considerable in terms of reach and significance Our research environment is rated as 100% as world-leading or as internationally excellent. D34 Communication, Cultural & Media Studies, Library & Information Management 78% of our research […]

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Knowledge Exchange Development Fund Pilot

The School of Art and Media has been funded to develop and pilot five collectively branded but stand-alone 1 hr business facing online executive courses drawing on expertise that has been identified during semester 1 by the Knowledge Exchange Manager (Stuart Hedley) and Knowledge Exchange Lead (Dr Jules Findley) in the School of Art and Media. 5 topics applying expertise from the School of Art and Media have been identified for a pilot series:   Dr Martin Bouette (Senior Lecturer – Business Studies Co-ordinator for the Fashion & Textiles programmes) “Creative thinking to solve business problems”   Mark Wells (Senior Lecturer – Course Leader BA (Hons) Fashion Communication with Business Studies) “Utilising the digital communications medium – A re-evaluation of the digital medium, its opportunities and limitations”   Joanna Zara (Senior Lecturer – Professional Practice – BA (Hons) 3D Design and Craft) “The business model canvas – a great planning […]

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Dr. Jules Findley awarded the very first European Regional Development Funded RISE project

In a real coup for the school Dr Jules Findley has been awarded the very first ERDF funded RISE access to expertise project, this business innovation scheme supports businesses to access academic expertise from across both The University of Brighton and The University of Sussex, so a really fantastic result for Art and Media here at UoB to be the first project up and running.   The £5,000 of funding will enable Jules to apply her sustainable fashion and textiles expertise to look at new business opportunities for West Sussex based Secret Projects who economically empower women in India by selling goods, consultancy and bespoke travel, so they can support themselves, their families and make a valuable contribution to their communities.   RISE – Research and Innovation in Sussex Excellence – is a completely free-of-charge innovation service for eligible businesses thanks to funding secured from the European Regional Development Fund […]

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Sue Gollifer, Principal Lecturer, Digital Media Arts shares news of her latest Research Activities:

In February, Sue Gollifer was an invited guest speaker for a UNESCO ‘City to City presentation. This project marks the cities commitment with the importance of cooperation and support to art and creativity as a major force for the sustainable development in these times of uncertainty.  It was an online occasion which was attended by the artists, curatorial gurus, VIPS from all 13 participating UNESCO Media Arts cities, and some senior UNESCO officers. It was a great honour to be asked to participate. ————————————————————————————- ———————-   ISEA2022 Barcelona – June 10-16 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Art. ISEA is one of the most important annual events worldwide dedicated to the crossroads where art, design, science, technology, and society meet In her other capacity as Executive Director of ISEA International HQ at the University of Brighton, Sue has been working with the up-and-coming ISEA2022 Symposium, for over three years   […]

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Simon Mcennis had his book Disrupting Sports Journalism published

Simon Mcennis, the Subject Lead for Media, has recently had his book Disrupting Sports Journalism published by Routledge on 30 November.  The book critically explores the impact that digital technology has had on the practices and norms of sports journalism. Simon’s articles have appeared in journals including Digital Journalism, Journalism and Journalism Practice.  He has a professional journalism background, having worked with local and national newspapers. 

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Alice Fox gives keynote address as part of the online forums presented by the British Council

Alice Fox Co-Subject Lead for Visual Communications, recently gave a keynote address as part of the online forums presented by the British Council. The Partner, South East Asia events aim to provide participants with a better understanding and knowledge of the arts and culture ecosystems of Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Alice also chaired a session on Arts for All to explore what needs to be improved to make arts more inclusive for South East Asia 

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Fairwell: Vikki Haffenden

This month we say farewell and a huge thank you to Vikki Haffenden who is retiring from the School of Art and Media at the end of February. Vikki has worked at the University in different capacities and has led the way with research into knitted textile design, sustainable knitwear and clothing practises. Vikki’s doctorate research focused on knitted textiles and industrially produced knitwear viewed through the lens of real body shape. Using 3D body scanning, she investigated the 3D body shape of women outside ‘standard’ sizes and developed combined knitting methods that offer an improved fit for different female body shapes. These areas are still amongst her active interests. This doctoral research led to her involvement in a large-scale ESRC research project, ‘Design for Ageing Well’; part of the ‘New Dynamics of Ageing’ initiative. She discusses some details of her contribution to the project in ‘Textile-Led Design for the […]

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Marie Mcloughlin & Prof Lou Taylor win 2021 Association of Dress Historians Book of the Year

Congratulations to Marie Mcloughlin and Prof Lou Taylor on winning the 2021 Association of Dress Historians Book of the Year for their edited collection, Paris Fashion and World War Two: Global Diffusion and Nazi Control (Bloomsbury, 2020).  The Association of Dress Historians (ADH) selected seven books for the shortlist for the 2021 ADH Book of the Year. Each member of The Association of Dress Historians was invited to nominate a book for this award. Lou and Marie’s book was unanimously voted as the 2021 winner by all seven award committee members. Marie and Lou, both members of the Universities Centre for Design History, were formally announced as the winners of the 2021 ADH Book of the Year at the ADH Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 6 December 2021.  You can read more HERE 

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Lance Dann wins two awards for podcast, radio and audiobook production

Lance Dann has won two awards at the leading industry showcase for podcast, radio and audiobook production.  On 30 November, Dr Dann won the Gold Award for Best Entertainment Producer and a Silver for Best Comedy Producer at the 2021 Audio Production Awards, beating off producers at BBC Radio 1 and Radio 4. He was also the only winner of a Gold and a Silver Award in the 21 production categories honoured at the awards. Both prizes were in recognition of Lance’s audio production work on The Rez: a children’s media project developed between Prof Martin Spinelli of the University of Sussex.  I am also delighted to let you know that The Rez has been funded for a second season with a £100,000 ACE grant (one of the most significant project grants ACE has awarded this year) and will feed into further research led AHRC grant that builds on the […]

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Accessibility View University teams with local jewellery makers for sustainable design partnership

University of Brighton experts are working with jewellers Posh Totty Designs as part of a new national design research programme, The Future Observatory. Running until May 2022, The Future Observatory programme is backed by the Design Museum, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), as well as the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Sustainability provides the key driving principle for the programme’s foundation year, exploring how design research can help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) maintain profits while also working towards Net Zero or other beneficial environmental outcomes. Working under the banner of ‘Making better by design’, University of Brighton design course experts Emma Collins and Nick Gant will help Posh Totty Designs deal with practical challenges around translating net zero principles into a craft business context. Posh Totty Designs was founded by Brighton-based maker Alice River Cripps, and now has outlets […]

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Material Curing Exhibition

Dear colleagues, Welcome to the new website blog School of Art and Media Research and Knowledge Exchange (R&KE) which will replace the Newsletter. This will continue to provide a
round up of information and updates in relation to School and University Research and Knowledge Exchange activities and opportunities. The website contains the previous Newsletter for your convenience. 

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Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender Presentation

Dear colleagues, Welcome to the new website blog School of Art and Media Research and Knowledge Exchange (R&KE) which will replace the Newsletter. This will continue to provide a
round up of information and updates in relation to School and University Research and Knowledge Exchange activities and opportunities. The website contains the previous Newsletter for your convenience. 

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Paul Sermon, Doctoral Studies Lead writes:  “This year we will be extending and launching a school wide SaM PGR Methods Programme, which will include monthly talks and seminars from current SaM supervisors. This series of 40-minute talks/seminars will be on supervisor’s own research, with a focus on the methods they use to undertake it. Everything from interviews and observation techniques to using archives, case studies and creative practice – and anything else. 

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Drawing research member Claire Scanlon and former MRes student has edited a special issue of the Journal of Visual Art Practice (JVAP) on Demands of the Diagram, volume 20, issue 3 (2021), which is now available electronically from the university library.  JVAP came about under the editorship of Mary Anne Francis, and you will be pleased to hear that Mary Anne’s book Mixed Forms of Visual Culture: From the Cabinet of Curiosities to Digital Diversity is due for publication by Bloomsbury Press on 2 December. 

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During the summer of 2021 Vanessa Marr led a UK- wide, school funded project entitled The Domestic Academic: Finding to write and care. Storying gendered inequality on a global pandemic. The output is a digital, interactive quilt. In this research, each participant has created a quilt panel that visually and audibly tells their experience of juggling research and academic commitments, alongside responsibilities such as home-schooling, during Covid lockdowns.

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Screen Archive South East (SASE) will be the lead partner in association with Queer Heritage South and will receive funding for National Lottery Heritage Fund. Our Screen Heritage is a 16-month programme dedicated to developing a new understanding of the inclusive approaches to heritage practice and the need to celebrate and promote LGBTIQ+ screen heritage collectively through working with communities in the South East. UoB has also been awarded a grant from the BFI to support the 19th CINECITY Brighton Film Festival. 

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The Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender under the directorship of Olu Jenzen are working on Queer Futures 2. The team has now concluded the field work stage and started work on the data analysis. Due to the pandemic, the project has been granted an extension until November 2022. During the 11-month extension, the focus will be on study outputs, including the NHS Commissioning Guidelines.

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Nichola Ashmore has been awarded funding from the AHRC Creative Economy stream with a project entitled Guernica Re-makings – Ghana and South Africa. This project builds upon previous Guernica Re-makings research and engages young people in co-creative art practice, expanding upon the impact of Ashmore’s research on the role of art and activism in sustainable development.

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Nick Gant has been successful with a seed grant from the British Council in Partnership with colleagues from The Institut Teknologi Bandung to deliver a scoping project entitled ‘Making Habitats’ that aims to explore and map design and ‘mass-micro’ craft practices that (may) actually support habitat conservation and specifies proliferation, whilst productively developing resources for human consumption

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UoB and SaM have been awarded one of only 20 grants in the pilot round of the AHRC Design Exchange programme, modelled on the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme and reflecting the challenges of arts and cultural organisations accessing knowledge exchange.