White Sight – Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness | Tuesday 14 March 2023

White Sight – Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness | A Conversation with Nick Mirzoeff and Olu Jenzen Tuesday 14 March 2023 3:00PM Sallis Benney Lecture Theatre, Grand Parade, University of Brighton


Join us at the Sallis Benney Lecture Theatre, Grand Parade,  Brighton, BN2 0JY for a conversation and Q&A with Professor Nick Mirzoeff (New York University) and Olu Jenzen (University of Brighton) about the recent publication of Nick Mirzoeff’s White Sight: The Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness (2023).

This event is jointly organised by the Institute of Development Studies, the University of Sussex and the School of Art and Media University of Brighton. All welcome!

Book your free ticket here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/centre-for-transforming-sexuality-and-gender/t-nomelxk

Nicholas Mirzoeff is a visual activist, working at the intersection of politics and global/digital visual culture. He is Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. His many books include the best-selling How to See the World (2015) and The Right to Look (2011). His recently published White Sight: Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness (MIT Press) argues that white supremacy is not only perpetuated by laws and police but also by visual culture and distinctive ways of seeing.

Olu Jenzen is Reader in Media Studies and the Director of the Research Centre for Transforming Sexuality and Gender. Her research focuses on Digital Culture and Activism, and LGBTQ+ Media Cultures, in particular global visual activism and LGBTQ+ social media youth cultures. She is the co-editor of The Aesthetics of Protest: Global Visual Culture and Communication (AUP, 2020) and a special issue of the Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, on ‘Global Queer and Feminist Visual Activism’ (2022).


Image credit: Claire Fontaine “White Sight” (2022)