Call for Proposals: Research culture – proposals from staff for presentations of current research with a Q&A panel -deadline 31 January 2024

The deadline for proposals is the 31st January.

Additional information sent 16/01/2024

Please put a team together of at least 6 members and summit approx. 200 words outlining your theme. The deadline for proposals is the 31st January.

I am happy to help build critical mass for the groups at this proposal stage, if you are keen to lead a group and are looking for presenters or if you are interested in a theme but do not want to lead but you would like to deliver your research, please let me know, copying in Karen Gainsford and we can help direct participants to theme clusters. Once the 6 themes are confirmed we will advertise the events so there will be further opportunity to join the groups.

Best wishes Charlotte


This year we are planning to allocate some of our QR budget to deliver six philosophical themed Research and Knowledge Exchange events in order to foster and grow our research culture and environment in the school and to identify research strands which are key to our school ethos and future development. We are calling for proposals from staff to identify, lead and organise an event. The session my include presentations of current research from staff, with a Q&A panel. The QR budget will fund a total of 6 events, aiming to bring staff together across disciplines, REGs and Cores. The events may take place in lunch time/ evening/ non-teaching week as appropriate by the end of July and there will be a budget for refreshments. Examples of possible themes include:

  • Ludic Play
  • Speculative fictioning
  • Contemporary materiality
  • Image, memory, place
  • Sustainable ecology and environment
  • Participatory Practice
  • Generative futures
  • Material Histories

If you are interested in leading an event please send your theme and brief synopsis of approx. 200 words, to myself and Karen Gainsford, identifying at least six people who are interested in contributing or taking part in your session, this may include PGR students. There will be a sub-panel meeting of the research committee to select the six themes that will be supported.

Posted on behalf of  Charlotte Gould, Associate Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange – School of Art & Media by Karen Gainsford