grant capture

Grant Capture: New lead is Julie Doyle and what support is provided

This new role – Grant Capture Lead for the school has been allocated to Julie Doyle Professor of Media and Communication  School of Art and Media, University of Brighton. Email

What is the role

The Grant Capture Lead works closely with Charlotte Gould (Associate Dean R&KE), Bid Support, and Stuart Hedley (SAM Knowledge Exchange Manager). The role is to,:

  • Provide support to teams and individuals on external bid preparation and submission (feedback on drafts etc)
  • Help identify individuals and teams to address specific funding calls
  • Help Identify knowledge exchange opportunities in the School
  • Encourage staff to consider applying for grants
  • Be a point of contact for anyone with questions on grant bidding and to have conversations with staff who are/might be thinking about bidding.
  • Support staff in re-working unsuccessful bids

Julie Doyle keen to support staff at all career stages to consider bidding for grants, or develop knowledge exchange, so please do feel free to contact me to have a conversation.

Internal funding can help prepare for external funding

Internal funding opportunities via the Research and Knowledge Exchange Initiatives can often help prepare for external funding applications so please do make use of the internal funding that has just been announced. We also have access to the Arts and Humanities Impact Accelerator Account (IAA) that can help you to build up community and industry partnerships in preparation for external funding bids.

Over the next few weeks

Some of you have already had conversations with Charlotte about bids that you are in the process of preparing or submitting. Julie Doyle will be contacting you in the next few weeks to offer support where needed.

A series of workshops and tailored events will be offered over the coming year. Please let Julie Doyle know, whatever career stage you are at, if there are specific topics that you would like to see as a workshop or event that would help you with your bidding or knowledge exchange activities -e.g. how to start? Specific funders, reworking unsuccessful bids, etc.

In the meantime, please email Julie Doyle todiscuss any funding or knowledge exchange ideas you might have.