News: PURE profile – help and what to do

Now is a great time to make sure your Pure profile is up-to-date and does justice to all the work you’ve put into your Research and Knowledge Exchange.

Pure provides the detailed public face of the university’s research. It feeds search engines very well and is the main way peers, senior staff and students, as well as the press and public get to find out more about you and your work.

There is a Sharepoint site to help you through the mechanics of adding material to the system. Access to the editor is through the link   Any problems or questions with this end of things, please contact Pure Support <>

A few reminders of the basics.

  • You should have an image – either a portrait or an image of your work.
  • You should create profile text under suitable headings, prioritising ‘Research interests’. These should be in paragraphs rather than bullet points.
  • All academic text publications – journals, chapters, mongraphs – must be added to Pure as Outputs within three months of acceptance for publication.
  • Creative outputs should be carefully considered. (See below)
  • Activities can include organising or presenting at conferences, individual performances or exhibitions or festival nominations around an Output.
  • Anyone leading on a successfully funded Project will get a note about completing a Pure page with details and updating with results.


Creative Outputs/Activities


  • There is some guidance on Sharepoint for Practice-led research output texts. This should help with ways you might think of your work in terms of ‘portfolio style’ outputs on Pure.
  • An Output should show your work in terms of research questions and insights.  It is likely that you will group a number of individual pieces of work together to do this.
  • The dissemination of that work – at exhibitions, performances and festivals – is likely to be a set of Activities related to that Output.
  • The practice methods are important to understanding the rigour of your research. Please take photographs of the development and dissemination of your work.


To help with the process of developing your work into a set of strong public ‘portfolio’ outputs we have some opportunities for support:

  • Contact Karen Gainsford <> to get space on the school Sharepoint to develop your portfolio outputs before you commit them to Pure. This will allow you to get Peer feedback and store your ongoing records of work-in-progress and practice methods.
  • You can get help from Michael Wilson <> with the development of your ‘portfolio’ outputs that will go on Pure and eventually be considered for REF2029. This can be one-to-one or in discipline groups. Please make contact if you would like any level of help with getting your work into a communicable package in terms of research.

Please do make time to make sure your Pure profile looks its best. We want to make it clear to outsiders and central management just how much wonderful work we do in the School.