Opportunity: Techne 2025 Cohort CDA Project Proposals – Application Guidance/Timetable | Note internal deadline of 5pm 13 September 2024

Kindly note that this is the final year of the consortium in the current format.

See guidance notes for the scheme that includes the timeframe for submission, review and selection of the CDA’s to go forward for recruitment.

Techne CDA Application Guidance 2025

Techne CDA Project Proposal 2025

Do note the following instruction in the guidance document:

“It is the responsibility of the academic supervisor to ensure that the project proposal is uploaded onto the portal in the supervisor section so it is attached to the final student application.”
This year, each institution is allowed to submit up to three Stage 1 proposals (previously known as EoIs) to be supervised jointly by them alongside a non-HEI organisation. The closing date is 17.00 on 16th October 2024.

We are setting an internal deadline of 17.00 on Friday 13th September for academic colleagues to submit their Stage 1 proposals to the Doctoral College for review. The template to use for the submission process is attached; please submit this to DoctoralCollege@brighton.ac.uk with technē CDA Stage 1 in the subject line. A panel of senior colleagues will review all the submissions and colleagues will be notified by the last week of September with feedback and support ahead of the final deadline.

If you have any queries, contact Selina Avis (s.avis@brighton.ac.uk).


Posted by Karen Gainsford