Event: ‘Apparition’ Talks, Workshops and Screenings | 16 to 19 April 2024 – at Central St Martins UAL, Granary Square, London N1C 4AB

The Art Programme at CSM is running a public programme of events to speculate futures for arts education through workshops, talks, panel discussions, performances, and film screenings, exploring other models of arts education both in the UK and beyond. The event engages staff/students from CSM with external audience/participants to the event. This event includes Lucia King, Senior Lecturer from the School of Art and Media.

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Sub-programme curated by the transnational artists’ network, VisionMix, 17 +18.4.24

17.4.24 in Lecture Hall E003

14.30 Talk by VisionMix director/curators Rashmi Sawhney (Associate Arts Prof. Film/New Media, NYU Abu Dhabi) and Lucía King (SL Fine Art, UoB) introducing our networks’ activities, closing with a film screening by leading artist, Gigi Scaria. See link to the network VisionMix’s website visionmix.info

16.00 Film Screening, Archive of films that reference the Art School

17.30 Isaac Leung presents a talk and a film screening curated by Isaac Leung, featuring works from artists based in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the UK. Isaac is Assistant Professor, The Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18.4.24 11.00-12.00 in Lecture Hall E002

Director’s Talk & Film Screening: The Garden of Forgotten Snow. 30 mins (2017) with Dir. Avijit Mukul Kishore, discusses his film portrait of the artist, Nilima Sheikh

programme aparitionoutfacing200

Image credit: Detail installation from a show, Time (2016) Gigi Scaria.

Posted by Karen Gainsford.