kick start

Funds: Kickstart and International Collaboration Fund (ICF) -Applications for these schemes are due  23.59 8 April 2024

The Kickstart Fund provides pump-priming funding to early career researchers to undertake research and kickstart them into their next project. This fund aims to enable research-related activities that will improve the applicant’s research profile and academic CV. Awards can be up to £5,000 per applicant for projects deliverable by 31 July 2024.

The International Collaboration Fund (ICF) offers pump-priming funds to colleagues with an intention to develop a significant EU or international funding bid. ICF can be used to develop proposals across the globe, but priority will be given to proposals for potential Horizon Europe bids. Awards for this scheme are up to £1000.

Forms here:

ICF Application Form 23-24

ICF Guidance 23-24

Kickstart Application Form 2023-2024

Kickstart Fund Guidance 23-24

Applications for these schemes are due to be sent to by 23.59 Friday 8 April 2024 for spend completed by 31 July 2024. In light of the short deadline and spend time we have kept guidance and application forms as streamlined as possible.

Information about the funds, including the guidance document and application form can be found on the R&KE Initiatives SharePoint page.

As always, please get in touch with if you have any queries about these calls.