Event: PGR SAM PGR Methods Programme 2024 – ‘Improvisation, lateral connections and the magpie approach’: reflections on creating audio visual artworks – Amy Cunningham: Friday 8 March 2024 – 4pm

To support  the PGR Research Culture programme, we have a fantastic lineup of new Research Methods talks from January to May 2024. All the talks will be taking place live on MS Teams, lasting 20 to 30 minutes.

Our SAM PGR Methods Programme 2024 will continue on on Teams ‘Group-School of Art & Media PGR Students’

‘Improvisation, lateral connections and the magpie approach’: reflections on creating audio visual artworks – Amy Cunningham

 Friday 8th March 2024, 4.00pm   

Teams ‘Group-School of Art & Media PGR Students’ Team Code: umsgg23

For this talk Amy will be providing an insight into the making of two of her artworks for video and vocal music composition ‘Smart Appliances’ and ‘Oracle’ and discussing these in the context of improvisation and what she calls the magpie approach. The work Smart Appliances takes the form of both live concert performance for voice, cello and electronic sound and of a single screen video and audio installation. The work re-imagines visual, sonic and written archive material. Amy will be showing the various ingredients she used to make this work including from music for an advert by composer and engineer Daphne Oram, a Christian Dior dress, the sound of a refrigerator and the discovery of a finger print. The approach to the construction of this piece was described be sound artist and writer  Dr Cathy Lane as being like a magpie.


Image credit: Production photograph for Smart Appliances (2014) by Amy Cunningham. A work for single screen HD video, electronic sound, mezzo soprano and cello. First performed as part of Sounding Food and Music, TOM, commissioned by Contemporary Connections.


SAM PGR Methods Programme 2024 to be found here:SAM PGR Methods Programme 2024

Posted on behalf of Professor Paul Sermon (he/him) Doctoral Studies Lead
School of Art and Media, University of Brighton, Grand Parade, Brighton, BN2 0JYAll questions to Paul Sermon <P.Sermon@brighton.ac.uk>