Themed Events: Creative Sound & Music REG –  ‘Sounding The Noise of Nau*’: Art, Music, and Critical Agency in the Virtual Present | July (TBC) – Performance Studio (Room 225) Grand Parade

This forms part of the philosophical themed Research and Knowledge Exchange events to foster and grow our research culture and environment and to identify research strands which are key to our school ethos and future development.

*Nau: relating to oceanic seasickness and the noise of networked contemporaneity

The theme is Sound as (New) Materiality and is being held by the  Creative Sound & Music REG.

This event will revisit David Toop’s seminal work Ocean of Sound (1995) which explored the complexity and intangibility of music framed by 20th century communication technology, addressed in the context of a 21st century virtual ecology.

Music in the future will almost certainly hybridise hybrids to such an extent that the idea of a traceable source will become anachronism.

David Toop

Presenting practice as research this event will question how to frame research through practice – specifically in this case through a live performance by DMSA lecturers & sound practitioners (Johanna Bramli, Caleb Madden and Stephen Mallinder) that incorporates online streams, data and information followed by a wider panel discussion on sound as agency in an online ecology – chaired by Paula Hearsum (the full to be confirmed) and open to discussion with the audience..

Location:  Performance Studio (Room 225), School of Art & Media, Grand Parade

Date: Early July (TBC)

Contact: Stephen Mallinder  Senior Lecturer Digital Music & Sound Art and lead Creative Sound & Music REG

 Image credit: Antivoid Alliance (2021).

Posted on behalf of Paul Sermon – Doctoral Studies Lead, by Karen Gainsford