Talk: Xavier Ribas – Frozen Future: an UK Arts and Humanities Research(AHRC) funded project  – Grand Parade M2 | 28 November 2023 5.30-7.30pm

The Photography Research Group are delighted to announce that Xavier Ribas will be holding a talk about his current research related to the  project : Frozen Future, the shortened title for Solid Water, Frozen Time, Future Justice: Photography and Mining in the Andean Glaciers.

Frozen Future is an art project funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council that will document the effects of mining on the glacial systems of the Andes. Global extractive industries have played the most significant role in ecological crises, not only climate change but the depletion of water from lifecycles of lands and the local peoples who inhabit them. The ‘slow violence’ of the extractivist industries upon glacier landscapes can thus be seen as a collision between a speeding modern human history and a planetary past. Glaciers are natural archives that reveal an environmental history and a source of future life on which global ecologies depend.

Frozen Future will experiment with photographic practices, including the digital imaging using drone technologies, three-dimensional imagery, visual dissections of material forms, microscopic views, non-linear sightlines, narrative and disrupted journeys that trace human and non-human movements. This production of critical imagery contributes experimental documentary movement that will carry the future effects of mining into public debate and, importantly, re-shape the understanding of glacial and ecological systems.

This event is open to all university students and staff, no need to book. Guests to RSVP to  Karen Gainsford <>

Posted by Karen Gainsford