Welcome to the new SAM RKE Website

Dear Colleagues
Welcome to the new website blog for the Research and Knowledge Exchange for the  School of Art and Media.  The blog contains all the information from previous newsletters such as events, information, opportunities, news, key addresses, as well as holds all previous newsletters. This will continue to provide around up of information and updates in relation to School and University Research and Knowledge Exchange activities and opportunities.

There is a tab in the top left for you to submit news items (SUBMIT TO THE BLOG HERE) and we will of course do our very best to include. Also, this is still a work in progress, and we will be adding further sections, such as links to REGs and CORES, however,  we would welcome feedback, so please feel free to let us your thoughts and if you have suggestions on how we can make improvements, or if you spot any editorial issues that need correcting.

For any questions on content please email Karen: K.Gainsford@brighton.ac.uk
For any questions about the design/website please email Liv: O.White@brighton.ac.uk

Best wishes.

Duncan Bullen

Associate Dean: Research and Knowledge Exchange

School of Art and Media
