Archive for: February, 2022

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Mary Anne Francis This is Not an Art Show: On Mixed Forms of Visual Culture

29 January – 11 March 2022 By appointment Handel Street Projects is pleased to announce a show of new work by Mary Anne Francis. More visual essay than artwork, this exhibition builds on her recently published book, Mixed Forms of Visual Culture: From the Cabinet of Curiosities to Digital Diversity (Bloomsbury 2021), with a wall-based text that finds hybrid forms in all kind of cultural spaces: from carnivals to cyborgs, gadgetry to gastronomy and agitprop to architecture. It asks us to review our thoughts about the hodgepodge when presented with the latter’s eclectic history. Inevitably, perhaps, when this project is materialised as a sprawl of A4 printouts and old postcards, Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas is never far away. But here is an Atlas – in its early stages – for the Anthropocene, which, in prospecting the creative principle of synthesis, regards that as productive and problematic.  Likewise, if Atlas invokes […]

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News from Brighton Centre for Contemporary Art

The current exhibition Silt ends on 22 December. The exhibition of new work by artist Nika Neelova examines our cultural and physical relationship to water. The exhibition centres on a large-scale sculptural installation accompanied by a series of studio works and additional contributions from artists Carolina Caycedo and Rachael Champion.  The Brighton CCA exhibitions programme for 2022-23 brings together an exciting group of leading artists across the year working in a range of media from installation and sculpture to painting and performance. The 2022-23 programme is loosely themed around connections between on social cohesion, equality and collectivity to consider the ways that private actions can impact in a public sphere.    The first exhibition of the new year will be Lloyd Corporation Jan – March 2022.  Throughout lockdown Lloyd Corporation have been developing their commission for Brighton CCA investigating the impacts and inequalities of global trade at micro and macro […]

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The Great Minds and Rising Stars Initiatives 

The deadline for the Great Minds Initiative and the Rising Stars Initiative has changed – applications now must be submitted to by 23:59 23 February 2022.  All applicants will be required to meet with Tamar and myself as Associate Dean R&KE to discuss their plans before submitting an application, which will require final sign off by Tamar, Dean of the School.  Please contact Nicole Ramsamy to book a slot to meet with Tamar and I, as we will need to complete supporting statements and run full financial costings.  The Great Minds initiative is intended to enable researchers to take a period of time away from their substantive role at the University, in order to develop and submit a research or knowledge exchange grant, or produce an outstanding output. It offers awards of up to £10,000, and exceptionally up to £15,000, to buy out time. For 2022-23, the Great Minds […]

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Documentary: Homelessness within the queer community

The University of Brighton’s Community University Partnership Project – CUPP – is delighted to be holding the first community screening and discussion about a new groundbreaking documentary by Stonewall Housing – the UK’s leading LGBTQ+ homelessness charity.  The film, ‘Less’, is a powerful exploration of homelessness within the queer community through the spotlight of faith and culture. It examines the realities of queer homelessness, homophobic and transphobic abuse, conversion therapy, so-called honour-based violence, exorcisms and forced marriage. The film shares the stories of people who have experienced homelessness, along with commentary from leading figures in the LGBTQ+ sector including community leaders, activists and academics, such as the University of Brighton’s Professor Rusi Jaspal. Less explores the experience of homelessness within LGBTQ+ communities, relationships within their faith and culture, and finding a blended, chosen family. The screening will take place on Thursday 17 February 2022 at 18.00pm in Grand Parade Boardroom […]

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Great Minds and Rising Stars initiatives

The University’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Initiatives offer researchers at all stages of their careers support to develop their research and knowledge exchange ideas and projects through a variety of schemes and competitions. Details of the initiatives can be found via the link below. It would be wonderful to have colleagues from within the School apply. Research and Knowledge Exchange Initiatives ( Please note the deadline for applications for these initiatives is 23rd February 2022

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Simon Mcennis had his book Disrupting Sports Journalism published

Simon Mcennis, the Subject Lead for Media, has recently had his book Disrupting Sports Journalism published by Routledge on 30 November.  The book critically explores the impact that digital technology has had on the practices and norms of sports journalism. Simon’s articles have appeared in journals including Digital Journalism, Journalism and Journalism Practice.  He has a professional journalism background, having worked with local and national newspapers. 

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Alice Fox gives keynote address as part of the online forums presented by the British Council

Alice Fox Co-Subject Lead for Visual Communications, recently gave a keynote address as part of the online forums presented by the British Council. The Partner, South East Asia events aim to provide participants with a better understanding and knowledge of the arts and culture ecosystems of Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Alice also chaired a session on Arts for All to explore what needs to be improved to make arts more inclusive for South East Asia 

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Fairwell: Vikki Haffenden

This month we say farewell and a huge thank you to Vikki Haffenden who is retiring from the School of Art and Media at the end of February. Vikki has worked at the University in different capacities and has led the way with research into knitted textile design, sustainable knitwear and clothing practises. Vikki’s doctorate research focused on knitted textiles and industrially produced knitwear viewed through the lens of real body shape. Using 3D body scanning, she investigated the 3D body shape of women outside ‘standard’ sizes and developed combined knitting methods that offer an improved fit for different female body shapes. These areas are still amongst her active interests. This doctoral research led to her involvement in a large-scale ESRC research project, ‘Design for Ageing Well’; part of the ‘New Dynamics of Ageing’ initiative. She discusses some details of her contribution to the project in ‘Textile-Led Design for the […]

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Sussex Humanities Lab Open Call artist in residence 2022

Sussex Humanities Lab Open Call artist in residence 2022 Deadline: 12 noon Monday 21 February 2022 Please see below link to information about an opportunity from the Sussex Humanities Lab via LinkedIn, and brief summary below.  It’s akin to an Arts Council application, where bids might go in on a personal level rather than via the university, but might be of interest to Arts & Media practitioner colleagues.   **********************************   The Sussex Humanities Lab, based at the University of Sussex is piloting a new artist residency scheme. We are seeking proposals from artists/creative practitioners based in the South East of England, whose work uses digital tools, to undertake a residency at the Lab during spring 2022. The residency should result in a small-scale exhibition (COVID restrictions permitting) and an online presentation. This is a paid opportunity open to early-career artists – full criteria can be found here: Sussex Humanities […]

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Marie Mcloughlin & Prof Lou Taylor win 2021 Association of Dress Historians Book of the Year

Congratulations to Marie Mcloughlin and Prof Lou Taylor on winning the 2021 Association of Dress Historians Book of the Year for their edited collection, Paris Fashion and World War Two: Global Diffusion and Nazi Control (Bloomsbury, 2020).  The Association of Dress Historians (ADH) selected seven books for the shortlist for the 2021 ADH Book of the Year. Each member of The Association of Dress Historians was invited to nominate a book for this award. Lou and Marie’s book was unanimously voted as the 2021 winner by all seven award committee members. Marie and Lou, both members of the Universities Centre for Design History, were formally announced as the winners of the 2021 ADH Book of the Year at the ADH Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 6 December 2021.  You can read more HERE 

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Research Mentoring from Aristea Fotopoulou

Research Mentoring Lead Aristea Fotopoulou has written to all colleagues about mentoring opportunities. The email is here for your convenience:  Research Mentoring is highly valuable for researchers, and the University has established a framework that guides its operation (see University of Brighton’s Research Mentoring Framework).  As a new school, we have quite distinct needs when it comes to Research Mentoring. There will be an opportunity to hear a bit more about the Research Mentoring plan of action for 2021/22 at the Staff Development day on Monday 20th December, but the key idea is that we will follow a subject-specific approach, rather than a one-size fits all approach. In a nutshell, the aims of Research Mentoring for the School of Art & Media this year are to support both practice-based and more theory-inclined colleagues with their distinct research career needs. As a School we will develop a supportive mentoring system that […]

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Upcoming Workshops – Semester Two

Reaching wider audiences with your research To reserve your place, email with the relevant workshop titles in the subject line. Workshops will be held on Microsoft Teams. Wednesday 9 February, 2-3.30pm – Microsoft Teams. Research Communications Team Who do you want to reach with your research? Why? How? When? This workshop invites you to consider your objectives and explores what helps to make content stand out. We’ll explore different ways to frame and tell your story, what works, what doesn’t, and consider everything from quick fixes to campaigns over time to help you reach new audiences. We’ll guide you on how to make the most from internally-facing and externally-facing channels, from improving your Pure profile to writing pitches for The Conversation and embracing the opportunities that media exposure, blogs, social media and digital storytelling offer. Reaching wider audiences through The Conversation Wednesday 30 March, 12-2pm – Microsoft Teams. Isobel […]

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Lance Dann wins two awards for podcast, radio and audiobook production

Lance Dann has won two awards at the leading industry showcase for podcast, radio and audiobook production.  On 30 November, Dr Dann won the Gold Award for Best Entertainment Producer and a Silver for Best Comedy Producer at the 2021 Audio Production Awards, beating off producers at BBC Radio 1 and Radio 4. He was also the only winner of a Gold and a Silver Award in the 21 production categories honoured at the awards. Both prizes were in recognition of Lance’s audio production work on The Rez: a children’s media project developed between Prof Martin Spinelli of the University of Sussex.  I am also delighted to let you know that The Rez has been funded for a second season with a £100,000 ACE grant (one of the most significant project grants ACE has awarded this year) and will feed into further research led AHRC grant that builds on the […]

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Accessibility View University teams with local jewellery makers for sustainable design partnership

University of Brighton experts are working with jewellers Posh Totty Designs as part of a new national design research programme, The Future Observatory. Running until May 2022, The Future Observatory programme is backed by the Design Museum, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), as well as the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Sustainability provides the key driving principle for the programme’s foundation year, exploring how design research can help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) maintain profits while also working towards Net Zero or other beneficial environmental outcomes. Working under the banner of ‘Making better by design’, University of Brighton design course experts Emma Collins and Nick Gant will help Posh Totty Designs deal with practical challenges around translating net zero principles into a craft business context. Posh Totty Designs was founded by Brighton-based maker Alice River Cripps, and now has outlets […]