Join me on a journey to discovering the world of physical computing: Discover new teaching ideas; Learn about the world of code and Encourage creativity within your classroom. This resource aims to support teachers who are required to teach physical computing in the primary classroom. It will take you through the use of the BBC Micro:Bit and how it can be used with a programming language such as Scratch to create an educational resource that supports children in the development of computational thinking, as well as moulding them into responsible, competent users of Information and Communication technology.
The National Curriculum emphasises the need for children to be taught about physical computing. In Key Stage 1, children are expected to understand algorithms, be able to create and debug different programs, as well as being able to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of different programs. In Key Stage 2, children are expected to be able to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, use sequencing, repetition and repetition in programs, as well as being able to use logical reasoning to explain how simple algorithms work. It is vital that your schools computing curriculum draws upon all of these aspects, therefore this resource provides a drop-down menu where you can navigate through a range of activities that are designed to fulfil these statutory requirements.
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