Reduction of pollution by endocrine disrupting compounds at source


Combined logos of Interreg, European Union flag and RedPol, funded by the European Regional Development Fund

Welcome to the REDPOL project

Find out what we are doing in Brighton

REDPOL is part of the Interreg France – (Channel) England partnership and draws on the collaborative work of French and UK research institutions, members of industry and regional organizations.

The consortium is led by the Université Le Havre-Normandie (ULHN) and is composed of l’Université de Caen, TOXEM, the Chichester Harbour Conservancy, the University of Brighton and the University of Portsmouth.

This project started in April 2020 and has a 38-month action plan for an end expected in June 2023. REDPOL stands for Reduction of pollution by endocrine disrupting compounds at source. The project aims to address the economical, innovative and environmental challenges of the biochemical field by developing high value-added biotechnology products – biotests – with the  aim of:

    • Increasing the knowledge and cooperative work between European researchers, industrial actors and regulators
    • Providing innovative solutions for industrial actors and regulators to manage risks and effects of endocrine disruptors
    • Offering better protection of the environment eg by providing up to date information for the EU regulation of chemical compounds

Funding details

  • ERDF contribution: 1 936 712.25 Euros
  • Total RedPol budget: 2.8m Euros
  • University of Brighton budget: 629 702 Euros
  • Duration: 04/2020 – 06/2023 (38 months)

Read more about the research we are conducting for REDPOL at the University of Brighton. Get updates from our post-doctoral researcher, and find out more about the team of researchers at Brighton.

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