For this blog post I have chosen to evaluate email marketing and how effective it is in this day and age. Let’s find out a little bit more what email marketing is all about . Shall we?

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to build relationships that drive business success. In today’s challenging economic times, this cost advantage makes email marketing arguably the most powerful tool for building any business. But the main advantage of email marketing is not cost. Email is simply the most effective way to stay in touch with most of your customers. Email marketing is powerful, but it’s also a challenge because the inbox is a hostile environment. Whether your email is noteworthy or not-worthy depends on your ability to stick to the fundamentals of authentic relationship building with your customers (Groves, 2009).

Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2016) say’s email marketing is using legal, permission-based emailing to prospects or customers who have agreed to receive emails from an organisation. Solus emails can be booked where a publisher sends an email on behalf of a brand or the brand can be featured in an e-newsletters. Company can build their own house list’ containing customer’s details and company emails encourage purchases.

Ways To Email Marketing Success:

  • Regularly review your campaign resultsThe longer you practice marketing the more you realise how unpredictable your results will be if you don’t analyse your past and make adjustments based on your data. Use email tracking reports to help you improve, progress, and grow.
  • Set expectations with your recipients When someone signs up to receive your email communications, they do so with the expectation of receiving something of value. If you don’t communicate clearly what that value is, your audience will draw their own conclusions. Tell your audience what you’ll be sending and how often you’ll be sending it. That way, you’ll defeat any value, relevance, and frequency objections before your audience even signs up.
  • Don’t share email lists with anyone – Your email list is a valuable asset. It will lose value if you loan it to someone else because the people on your list won’t recognize a foreign sender. You should never borrow an email list from someone else. That list is full of people who aren’t familiar with your business.
  • Respond to them – Email is a two-way form of communication. Your audience wants you to respond when they interact with your emails. They can reply, click, block, unsubscribe, and forward your emails, and every form of response deserves an appropriate follow up from you

Source: (Groves, 2009).

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Email Marketing Metrics

  1. Click Through – Rate The percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links contained in a given email.
  2. Conversion RateThe percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link within an email and completed a desired action, such as filling out a survey or purchasing the product
  3. Bounce Rate –The percentage of your total emails sent that could not be successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox.
  4. List Growth Rate – Number of subscribers
  5. Email Sharing/Forwarding Rate – The percentage of email recipients who clicked on a “share this” button to post email content to a social network, and/or who clicked on a “forward to a friend” button
  6. Overall ROI – The overall return on investment for your email campaigns. In other words, total revenue divided by total spends.

To conclude, email marketing is effective if only businesses follow critical steps to build trustworthy relationship with their customers. Trust is a big factor as you are giving a stranger you’re personal email address. So, to be able to build that trust you need to have effective security n place so no one can duplicate the email listings as well as maintaining customer relationship for instant keeping emails up-to-date at all times for maximum effectiveness. Continue reading