Source: Services, S. (2018)

The Development of Blogs

‘’During the mid-1990’s, people began writing online diaries or journals. Most of those online journals were developed in manual hypertext mark-up language (HTML), the scripting language used by web designers to build pages. These types of websites became known as weblog, eventually shortened to blog’’ according to Cass, 2007. Over time, developers built content management tools for managing and publishing content dynamically without having master HTML. Blogs are websites that appear in journal format. Blog authors can write a series of entries, each post appears in sequential order, post ranging one to numerous can appear on the home page, and all entries can be archived and accessed through navigation on the home page.

Blog authors use a content management system to write a post and publish quickly. Blogs allow others to easily interact and converse in a public setting. They allow internet users to communicate more easily than most websites trough tools such as comments, trackbacks, RSS, and social network bookmarking. Interaction is the key to building a successful blog. Technologies such as RSS, trackbacks, and commenting enable more personal blogs, conversations are facilitated between bloggers and readers. The most common method of communication between bloggers and their readers is through comments. Blog readers can comment on a blog post by entering a comment within a blog post comment.  Blog  authors can choose to answer a comment with their own comment in the same post or by writing another post.

  • Trackbacks are another tool for communicating between blogs. Trackbacks allow you to notify other bloggers automatically that you have written a blog article referencing their article.
  • Providing an RSS feed on a blog is a good way to update blog readers of content on a blog.
  • Social Networking is a website that enables its members to contribute content, such as images or text lists, and then search through all of the submission by members; thereby, members can find other people with similar interests.

What Is Corporate Blogging?

Corporate blogs written in an accessible or informal style borrow from the personal and subjective character of personal blogs, which makes them available to a readership that does not necessarily consist of experts. A subjective perspective transforms corporate blog posts from a collection of formal, distant press release to a set of informal and more emotional experiences.

Corporate blogs are generally created with the objective of furthering organisational goals. However,since a variety of goals exist and many individuals from different departments and branches can potentially be involved, the corporate blog is far from being a single, clearly delineated genre. Instead, it branches out into different sub types that address different communicative needs, are aimed at different reader communities, and are written by different departments inside an organisation.

Click to view some of the Top Blogging Companies

Key Benefits of Blogging:

  • Internal Communication blogs act as an active medium to communicate with the employees and other internal audience regularly. Changes, policies that are updated at regular intervals can easily be communicated through company blogs.
  • External Communication blogs make it easier to connect with the employer’s, customers, investors across the world. News, views and anything else that a company wants to share with the world can easily be made accessible through blogs. So, blogs can help companies in positive communication.
  • Marketing Medium can be used as an effective tool. You can advertise and give information about your products through blogs, Moreover; you can also provide links to your websites to increase your internet traffic.
  • Feedback Tool can be also used on blogs to capture target audiences feedback about company culture, products, feelings and thoughts.

Watch this short YouTube clip for more benefits on Corporate Blogging.

Blogging Traffic Statistics

  • Over its lifetime, one compounding blog post creates as much traffic as six decaying posts. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 53% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts. (HubSpot, 2015).

To find out more Click Here

References (2018). The 10 best big company blogs in the world – Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow} – Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jan. 2018].

Cass, J. (2007). Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging. 1st ed. Burlington: Elsevier, pp.2-6. (2017). 2017 Marketing Statistics, Trends & Data – The Ultimate List of Marketing Stats. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2018].

Services, S. (2018). 5 Ways to Improve your Corporate Blog | Epic New Media. [online] Epic New Media. Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018].


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