thumbnail of LfSC 3 cover art

Librarians for Social Change Issue 3

Title: Librarians for Social Change Comics Issue 3
Date: 1973
Number of Pages: 29
Format: local press
Keywords: libraries, censorship
Created By: Librarians for Social Change; Ed. John Noyce; Graphics: Borin Van Loon
Place Created: Brighton
Related Collections: Alternative Brighton

Read Librarians for Social Change Issue 3

Lysergic depiction of a deamon-faced pontiffic hat wearing bat creature battling against a goddess with an empty bowl begging underneath the Librarians for Social Change banner at the top. Her breasts shoot out antler shaped flames.
Lysergic depiction of a deamon-faced pontiffic hat wearing bat creature battling against a goddess with an empty bowl begging underneath the Librarians for Social Change banner at the top. Her breasts shoot out antler shaped flames.

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