Librarians for Social Change 1975 Sexual Politics a Basic Reading List

Title: Librarians for Social Change Comics Issue
Date: 1975
Number of Pages: 26
Format: local press
Keywords: bibliography, gay rights, women’s rights, liberation
Created By: Librarians for Social Change Collective; Release Publications
Place Created: Brighton
Related Collections: Alternative Brighton


Sexual Politics Reading List


  1. liked jot is the anti- spam term, this machine has a real sense of humour.

    I’ve put this url into the IHR history of sexuality seminar series at Senate House and will copy to the lgbt archive and other places I think of. been trying to get hold of this for ages, for the whole topic of sexual politics, as it appears in Tobias shows know sense of irony.

    I really like the way my email stays from comment to comment, so I don’t have to re-enter. The harder bit now is the join of trades unions and sexual politics, for when this was written there appears still to have been nothing on workplace organisation, perhaps that had to wait for Gay Rights at Work. Ted McFadyen in Brighton was involved in that, and he has oral history thing that comes up if you search on him and graw as a topic tuple.

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