Title: Attila
Date: 1971 issue 2
Number of Pages: 6
Format: local press
Keywords: Brighton; calendars; political; social
Created By: Bill Butler
Place Created: Brighton
Related Collections: Alternative Brighton
Attila Issue 2 1971 (PDF)
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Number 2
Saturday 15 May 1.971
ATTILA Number 2.
May 15, 1971
We Are All in Contempt•••the OZ Trial.
If I comment on the Oz Trial before it happens I am in contempt. If I don’t, then I think I’ll probably be even greater contempt. So here goes•••
One good liberal witness has refused to testify on the grounds
that he perscnally finds the material (Skoolkids OZ) “DISGUSTING”.
Which wasn’t the point. The law doesn’t say anything at all about
what makes you sick to your stomach••••like the Archbishop of
Canterbury makes me sick to my stomach. That, alone, doesn’t make him obscene.
And to refuse to testify for OZ on the grounds that it offends your nose is to totally miss the point of the British system of Justice. Which says that if you are qualified, by experience, by knowledge, whatever•••you testify. You don’t chicken out just because you get the heaves· when you look at. OZ.
It’s not your stomach that’s on trial•••.•it’s your cock,
· Another potential witness for OZ has been frightened off by his bosses•••simple as, if you testify you on’t work. Said, of course in polite English so he wouldn’t miss the po nt.
It seems that last time he testified for the defense the judge made a little speech about how he hoped the man’s employers would take note of the fact that he had done so.
They did.
When it comes right down to it, you really can’t beat an “Olde
Englishe Lynching Bee”.
Any of you dirty old men (nothing to do with sex, more a state of mind) that haven!t yet contributed to the OZ Bust fund can do so by dropping money in the tin at Unicorn or sending it direct to OZ BUST FUND
LONDON, \1•11•
And at Maidstone Assizes Pete Weller, Rick Hardiman, Sue Timms, & Spud Sparro\>rhawk were recently sent up f’or conspiracy to import the dread weed. What is particularly crappy ‘about this trial is the comment by Judge Paull to one defendant (an\iPPer middle-class defendant) that he had “let the side down”. The judge’s disappointment didn’t prevent him from giving· that defendant a one-year term compared with the two ears dished out to the other defendants. So you’d ftter have on the right school tie next time you come up. \
And of course there’s still one other minor point•••••that the laws on Cannabis & other “Dangerous Drugs” are totally wit’ out moral justification. If they are all deadly poisons doesn t the law allow suicide? Or could it be that Parliament and the Home Secretary feel that the government has provided so little actual information on “Dangerous Drugs” that no informed choice \’10 ld
be possible? \
nt1.ila p.3. sat.15 may 71.
In spite of sneaky rumours which you may have heard.,,.there
will be NO Bath Festival this year. This according to Ian Tilbury. And ns far as he knows there will be no other major festivals in Britain this year. (Gee, gang, don’t we get to have out very own Altamont?).
FESTIVALS “Yrhichon are:
UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX•••l2 & 13 June•••Falmer. Everybody welcome, studeuts & heads. MOVIES/MUSIC/MACRO/POETRY/DISCO/ STREET THEATRE/STALLS. One meeting held last Tuesday to discuss the idea,. there will be another on Wednesday 1 19 May, at 6 p.m.
at 2 Powis Road. Hoped for attractions•• .Jeff Nuttall, Agitprop
Street Theatre, Hike Osborne, Kevin Ayr.es, Steamhammer. If you have ideas come along to the next meeting & see them through.
19 JUNE•••Horthing. PINK FAIRIES, HA\VKWIND, & hopefully
—- THEATRE-/MIHE/THEJ:50wNS/THE SEA& A LOT OF NICE PEOPLE. Sort of Son of Phun City• You can find out more by vrriti!’lg Al,
9 Strathmore Road, Worthing or by phoning Worthing 38891.
Or Worthing 201767.
Those above are what you’d call People’s Festivals.
More picnic than pressure. The U,Sussex Festival is likely to
cost under a pound for the weekend, and the l.vorthing one will
be. free. It is possible that litter basketa will be provided
at Worthing for anyone “Ytho’s just happening to want to throw
away a little money.
25/26 JUNE•••READING=. A medium-sized festivals brought to you by the same people who sponsor the Naticnal Jazz & Blues Festival••••which means that there will be enuf outaoor loo’s
even if you don’t have as much fun as-at Worthing.
++++++f+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAY LIBERATION FRONT in Brighton & Hove meets in St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall, Corner of Holland Road & Crom\ofell Ro9.d9 Hove. Every TUESDAY. (Sorry I can’t give the time, next week)
A twenty-nine year old_ law student, Jack Baker, has been elected Student Body President at the University of Minnesota. What’s different about it is that he’s gay, proud of it, & Minnesota isn’t known for its liberal attitudes.
Further to CLOSING DOWN BRIGHTON STREETS===A van with the registration number EPN 608c has been tooling around town recently with a really noisy freez;.ng unit, Tho the dri•·cr has complained to the owners they’ve done nothing. It’s a BIRDSEYE van, run by EVERSHED FROZEN FOODS of Shorehrun.
Why not give them a call at Shoreham 2201. Brighton has
already got enuf noise without having to import it from down the coast.
attila 4. saturday 15 May 71
HAGICAL1YS·rERY TOUR.,•,•,•••SOLD OUT1 l ! ! ! ! I
There wiil,nnly be one bus as no second conch could be located,
If you want to follow along in your own car then you’d better
shO\·I up at Montpelier Crescent (near the 7 Dials)on Sunday the
23rd by 12 noon. & leave your name & address here at Unicorn
so they can estimate the food needed. The secret location will e about i hour from Brighton. Leave Brighton 12 noon, arrive
Lack between 7 & 8.
Michael Co:-:stant was arrested by Brighton police beb1een l &
2 a.•m. on Hay 7th.,.charged \·lith an offense under Section 5 of
tl e Public Disorder .1\.ct (Insulting Behaviour)• .1\.fter being taken to ,John Street Police Station he was body-searched. His
request for bail was refused. .1\.fter 3-4 hours in the cells he was quest.oned for an hour & then released, after being told that the oatter would be referred to Brighton Council for
:maut!wrized billsticking.
The pc-·l:.:;e confiscated a bucket from Constant’s van and a q:tantity of posters, believed to be those of a running fir,ure carrying either a brassiere or a soft egg tim r
tr gc+.!e:r \•lith the caption: “DON’T LET THEM GET .1\.yf./\.Y WITH IT )
Dial 999” . One would have thought that the police v10uld be
g1ad of any help they received in crime prevention.·
The Argus\. on Saturday 8 May, referred in an article to a police <G.l.cgation the.t the posters were “libellous”. If
the:’,r e.x-e
t_ he same posters that have been reproduced in a
i.ondor>. pap:X’ it don’t seem likely.
S’i:U!JBI-:T S:S/\RCH Cot,fPETITION.d”•••Not just for students, but you’ve got to have either long hair (as I define it) or student body card. Her01 s what you do: every time you’re searched in
-the street (not on private premises) between Hay 15 & 12 June
hc.ve the police officer who searches you sign his name and his badge number on the form below, Street location of the search & time of search should also be given. Also, it is important that
you cooperate with the police in every way while they are searching you••••raise your arms high above your head, if you can stand
the cold volunteer to take all your clothes off to facilitate teir work. They only have a job to do,
1HE PRIZE. The student, or other competitor (in this contest even Yul Brynner can win) will receive 2 pounds worth of books or vrhatever at Unicorn.
OFFI CE-R—————B A DG E N U M B ER ——– W HER =E D A T E / T I ME=
additional entries may be made on plain paper, Winner announced at the U.Sussex festival.
attila saturday 15 may 71
One of the highlights of the recent ACID SYMPOSIUM in London was the leaflet handed out by members of the London Church of Aphrodite. It refers to the PSYCHEDELIC VENUS CliDRCH of Berkeley, California. Seems the Most Reverend Mother Suck
of that body lives in the back of a truck where she runs a telephone answering service. She will travel 100 miles to fulfill any caller’s needs. All proceeds, if any, go to the upkeep of the church.
The last remaining tree in our block was cut dO\·m this week. Not fuuch of a tree, but it was the only one we had. On property
owned by Brighton Council, of course. And it made room for another car.
OLDE ENGLISHE GENT OF THE t-JEEK.••••A correspondent in FORUM ivho wrote: 11We started to go back each time to their empty service flat & I spent many fabulous hours with her, ahmys visiting her sick husband in hospital first.’11
CARS AGAIN••••In The GUARDIAN? 12 May, John Nevin, a vice president of FORD MOTOR COMPANY did a little talking about his company’s fine products. Trying to j.ustify cars with bumpers so rotten that they won’t stand up to a collision at 5 miles per hour he decided that the public had a right to choose an easily damaged car if it felt that it was getting something in exchange. What, for example?
THE HOME OFFICE in a High Court case, have made the claim that an alien in a deportation case has no right of appeal. What justice?
N.C.C.L•••• Next Meeting at 37 PARK CRE CENT, BRIGHTON on TUESDAY the 18th at 7:30. If you’re generally interested in changing things you might come along.
++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++’
POETRY FESTIVAL this i-.reekend at the Art College. All Day: Sa.turday. Geo+ge MacBeth &’Dr. Jacobson organizers. Readers include Lee Harwood, MacBeth, Anthony Thwaite, Edward Lucie-Smith, maybe Jeff Nuttall·& others. That’s the evening. During the day audiences will thrill to discussions on POETRY IN THE 70’s, POETRY & TH
OTHER ARTS, & POETRY AS A CAREER=. The debate promises to be
truly exciting. Details at Unicorn.
FILM THEATRE•••••ll p.m••••••cheap to get in. images that come ALIVE!
attila 6. saturday 15 may 71
TOWARDS CO UNITY••••a Rudolf Steiner Conference at Sussex U. this weekend. For people who don’t want to take up jobs when they leave school wbich will merely perpetuate the system as it is. Begins Satu ay at 11 at the Meeting House.
Eastbourne ••••••is anybody there?
OPEN SECT have managed to get their opening hours extended _to
10 p.m. They are providing n Vegetarian Restaurant, a RELEASE SERVICE for Brighton, and n CLAIMANT’S UNION at 7 VICTORin ROAD. Tel. 27878.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
WRAGGLE TnGGLE vJORKSHOP••••27 GEORGE STREET, KEMP TO\.VN, BRIGHTON. Tel. 682544. A really nice quiet place. Outlet for pcoplwho
make things themselves•.•candles, clothing, furniture, headwork, leather, whatever. Will take anything you make, sale or return, Nice people trying’ to get it together••••anybody with spare equipment that they co.ul·d use.lathe, tools, etc. •.•maybe a silk screen outfit ••• could get in touch with them• . Notice
board in the shop. Write up your message. & toward the end
of the summer they hope to start selling do-it-yourself candle wax & supplies. Good people.
(0(01)229-7753 (01)727-7753 (01) 603-8654
(01)229-8219 682307
As of Friday UNICORN will be open 10-10 ori weekdays and 12-6 on Sundays.
Entire contents are copyright by KLONDIKE TAMALE, INC. Permission to reprint freely granted.