Easter for Orthodox Christians

Post contributed by Fr Ian Wallis, Faith & Spirituality Advisor, Orthodox Church

Easter is more properly known as ‘Pascha’ in the Orthodox Church because the early Church used languages – e.g. Aramaic, Greek, Latin – where ‘pascha’ was the accepted translation of the Hebrew word, ‘pesach’ (= ‘passover’) and the conservative nature of the Church has kept the use of this term.

‘Pascha’ survives in English usage as an adjective, as in a ‘Paschal Candle’, which in many Western churches is a special candle that is blessed at Easter, and then subsequently plays a part in the rite of baptism.

The apostolic preaching interprets the death and resurrection of Christ as a new passover for humanity: ‘For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast, not with the old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.’ (1Corinthians 5, 7,8 AV)

The date of Passover/Pesach (as computed by Jewish authorities) was also instrumental in determining the date of the Christian feast of Pascha: the churches were agreed about this although they did not all celebrate Pascha on the Sunday following Pesach.

When the rabbinic authorities (towards the end of the second century CE) established a new way of computing the date of Pesach – one that specifically disregarded the date of the spring equinox – many Christians questioned the propriety of computing the date of Pascha using a revised date of Pesach i.e. a date computed by a method that was not in use at the time of Christ.

As the Church did not have an agreed method for computing the date of Pascha, it fell to its meeting (known subsequently as the ‘First Ecumenical Council’) at Nicea in 325 CE to decide (amongst other things!) two key elements in the method, as follows:

  • Pascha should be celebrated on the same Sunday by all churches;
  • And the Sunday of Pascha must be the first after the full moon following the spring equinox.

In more recent centuries, the different dates for Easter/Pascha in the Church came about when the Church in the West adopted the New Style/Gregorian Calendar; and the difference arises specifically in fixing the date of the spring equinox, which is a more astronomically correct calculation underlying the Gregorian Calendar. The whole Orthodox Church keeps to the Old Style/Julian Calendar (when computing the date of Pascha) and employs – what has been referred to as – a ‘notional equinox’.

Even before the Gregorian Calendar was adopted, the Church’s forms of worship in the West had developed along different lines from those to be found in the East; and although the basic structure of the eucharist and other services is similar, the style of the ceremonial used in the Orthodox Church is markedly different from that in the Western Church.

Ikon showing Christ in the centre of the image, Adam is shown on his right and Eve is shown on his left, he is surrounded by the diciples and rocks to show Christ's resurrection and emergence from the cave

A traditional ikon for Pascha representing Christ’s resurrection

Outside of church, Orthodox Christians celebrate Pascha in accordance with a variety of local traditions, mainly to do with those foods that should have been abstained from in the Lenten fast, such as eggs, cheese and meat. ‘Pascha’ is also the name given in Russian usage to a special form of cheesecake, which is a key element of their Paschal breakfast.

Holy Week Blog: Easter Sunday

Today is the final day of our daily blog posts for Holy Week

Thank you for joining us and we hope that you have found these posts helpful and informative.

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.

As soon as the Sabbath was over, at dawn, the women gathered to return to Jesus’ tomb with the intention of anointing his body and wrapping it in a shroud. But when they got to the tomb, they discovered it had been opened. Jesus was not there! The accounts of this discovery vary in the different gospels. Mark tells us the women saw a young man dressed in white, who told them to go tell the disciples that Jesus had been raised from the dead and they were terrified; Matthew’s gospel tells us first an angel appeared to the women and then Jesus himself, telling them to go tell the disciples. In Luke’s two men appear to the women and tell them to go tell the others and much later Jesus appears to them all; and in John’s gospel there is quite a bit of toing and froing, with Mary Magdalene first discovering the empty tomb, returning to get two disciples to have a look. They can’t figure it out and leave. Then as she stands weeping at the tomb, Jesus appears to her. What actually happened we will never know. But in the days to follow, in various ways, people thought they saw him and they seemed to know that Jesus was still with them; and in this knowledge their sorrow turned to joy and they knew they were forgiven for the ways they had let Jesus down. You can read these accounts in the final chapters of each of the gospels.

Christians today believe the resurrection of Jesus was all about the power of love. Jesus lived a life of complete love and his continuing presence in the lives of those who follow him reveals that love is so powerful nothing can defeat it, even death. Resurrection also points to a basic principle of life: good can come out of even the most tragic of circumstances. Dawn follows even the darkest of nights.

In churches, Christians will celebrate with singing, music, shouts of “Christ is risen! Alleluia!” and with joy unbounded! From the Iona Community’s Stages on the Way:

A Prayer for Easter Day

Lord God,
Early in the morning
when the world was young,
you made life in all its beauty and terror;
you gave birth to all that we know.
Hallowed be your name.

Early in the morning,
when the world least expected it,
a newborn child crying in a cradle
announced that you had come among us,
that you were one of us.
Hallowed be your name.

Early in the morning,
surrounded by respectable liars,
religious leaders,
anxious statesmen
and silent friends,
you accepted the penalty for doing good:
you shouldered and suffered the cross.
Hallowed be your name.

Early in the morning,
a voice in a graveyard
and footsteps in the dew
proved that you had risen,
that you had come back to those and for those
who had forgotten, denied and destroyed you.
Hallowed be your name.

This morning
in the multi-coloured company
of your church on earth and in heaven,
we celebrate your creation, your life,
your death and resurrection,
and your love for us and all the world.

So we pray,
Bring new life,
where we are worn and tired;
New love,
where we have turned hard-hearted;
where we feel hurt and where we have wounded;
And the joy and freedom of your Spirit,
where we are prisoners of ourselves.

Thank you God,
that dawn comes after darkest night
and we can begin again. Alleluia!

Painting of Jesus tomb at dawn. Mary Magdeleine is shown in awe at finding the tomb empty and only emitting light. Trees are shown in the background. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

Easter Dawn II. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The material from Iona comes from Stages on the Way, 1998. Copyright(c) WGRG, Iona community, Glasgow Scotland. wilgooselscotland. Reproduced with permission.

Artworks by Shirley Veater used with grateful thanks. www.shirleyveaterdesigns.co.uk

Holy Week Blog: Saturday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.


Saturday was the Sabbath, a holy day of rest. The disciples were shattered, shocked, heart-broken, terrified, inconsolable. They were probably in hiding. But all the men would have felt guilty. They had not defended Jesus or stayed with him; they were not at the cross to witness his death; they did not help take his body down. Only the women had stayed and observed and wept; and they had seen where his body was taken. Mark tells us nothing about this long sad day.

Some Christians will hold a vigil through the night. Others will spend the day decorating their church with flowers, as if anointing the body of Christ and in preparation for the morrow.

Holy Week Blog: Maundy Thursday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.


By Thursday Jesus’ teaching in the temple was causing a great stir. The Jewish and the Roman authorities were becoming very anxious about the amount of unrest they were witnessing as Jesus’ supporters and detractors argued it out. Some of the supporters were claiming that Jesus was the Messiah, the King who would overthrow the Romans. Jesus would have known that in this overheated atmosphere, he was in grave danger. But it was Passover, and he wanted to celebrate the sacred meal with his friends. They gathered quietly in a private home; but there was a traitor in their midst, Judas, who for a bribe of 30 pieces of silver had offered to tell the authorities where Jesus was. During the meal Jesus told them to remember him every time they have bread and wine. This sharing of bread and wine and remembering Jesus was to become a foundational act of Christendom, called communion. Accounts of the meal vary a bit and in one account Jesus also washes the feet of his disciples, a custom in hot dusty climates, but usually done by a servant, not by the host. Jesus tells his disciples they should have such care for one another. After the meal, Jesus was growing very worried, because he felt sure he was going to be betrayed. He and his friends went into the garden and he asked them to pray with him. But they fell asleep and were awakened by an armed crowd, led by Judas, and Jesus was arrested. They took him away and interrogated him. You can read the full account of the meal, the arrest and the interrogation in Mark, chapter 14, verse 12 to 72.

Christians in English speaking countries call this day Maundy Thursday. “Maundy” (from Latin mandatum) refers to the command to wash one another’s feet and in medieval times, monarchs would wash the feet of their servants. Today the Queen gives Maundy money to a selected group of people. Christians observe the day usually in an evening gathering with readings, meditation, prayer and sharing in bread and wine. It is a solemn occasion. In some churches, the sanctuary is stripped of decoration, the cross is covered, and a vigil is held through the night. From the Iona Community’s Stages on the Way:

It was on the Thursday
that he became valuable.

He didn’t have anything to sell,
not since leaving his carpenter’s bench three years earlier.
He had nowhere to keep his stuff.
He even had to eat his last meal
in somebody else’s dining room.

He wasn’t worth much.
Mostly what he did was…
talking, I suppose,
and listening
and healing
and forgiving
and encouraging
and loving
and the things for which there is no pay
and the job centre has no advertisements.

But suddenly somebody would pay
a silver penny, or two,
or thirty
for him.

And no matter about bread and wine shared,
no matter about feet washed,
no matter about promises of fidelity.
His price was too high.

It was on the Thursday …
that he became valuable.

Painting of the Last Supper shown in shadows. An abstract depiction of Jesus and the Disciples at a long table facing each other. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The Last Supper. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The material from Iona comes from Stages on the Way, 1998. Copyright(c) WGRG, Iona community, Glasgow Scotland. wilgooselscotland. Reproduced with permission.

Artworks by Shirley Veater used with grateful thanks. www.shirleyveaterdesigns.co.uk

Holy Week Daily Blog: Wednesday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.


During the week Jesus and his friends were probably staying outside Jerusalem in a village called Bethany at the home of Simon who had a skin disease and was therefore considered unclean, an outcast. But Jesus’ trademark was to befriend those whom other people disregarded and Simon made him welcome. During supper on Wednesday a woman joined them and, wanting to do something kind for Jesus, broke open a jar of very costly ointment and anointed him with it. The disciples thought this extravagance was ridiculous and reprimanded her. Jesus however was greatly moved and noted that such tender and unexpected acts of kindness are sometimes the most important thing we can do for each other. So touched was he that he said, “Wherever the good news is proclaimed in all the world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her.”  You can read this lovely story in Mark chapter 14, verses 3 to 9.  From the Iona Community’s Stages on the Way:

It was on the Wednesday
that they called him a waster.

The place smelt like the perfume department of a big store.
It was as if somebody had bumped their elbow
against a bottle of something expensive
and sent it crashing to the floor.

But it happened in a house,
not a shop.

And the woman who broke the bottle
was no casual afternoon shopper.
She was the poorest of the poor,
giving away the only precious thing she had.

And he sat still
while she poured the liquid all over his head,
extravagant, fragrant, comforting, tender

And those who smelt it,
and those who saw it,
and those who remembered
that he was against extravagance,
called him a waster.

But they forgot
that he too was the poorest of the poor
and that he was exhausted and fearful and anxious.

Jealousy was in the air
when a poor woman’s generous and tender love
became an embarrassment to their tight-fistedness
and their hard hearts.

That was on the Wednesday …
when they called him a waster.

Painting of an abstract forest early in the morning at sunrise. The trees are spindly and cast in shadows going in to the distance and in monchrome tones. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

Very Early. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The material from Iona comes from Stages on the Way, 1998. Copyright(c) WGRG, Iona community, Glasgow Scotland. wilgooselscotland. Reproduced with permission.

Artworks by Shirley Veater used with grateful thanks. www.shirleyveaterdesigns.co.uk

Holy Week Daily Blog: Tuesday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.


Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher) and throughout the week his main activity was to talk with anyone who would listen. He had a reputation for teaching radical things, not, he said, to abolish the law which Jews observe, but to fulfil it. So, his teaching was not about the letter of the law, but the spirit. And to Jesus the spirit was always love and forgiveness. Many wanted to debate the issues. You can read some of that debate in Mark’s gospel, chapter 11, verse 11, through to chapter 12, verse 37. But if you want a concise summary of the best of Jesus’ teaching, go to Matthew’s gospel and read chapters 5,6,7, what we call “the sermon on the mount.”  From the Iona Community’s Stages on the Way:

It was on the Tuesday
that he gave it to them in the neck.

If you had been there
you would have thought
that a union official was being taken to task
by a group of back bench Tory MPs;
or that the chairman of a multinational
was being interrogated by left wing activists,
posing as shareholders.

They wanted to know why
and they wanted to know how.

They were the respectable men,
the influential men,
the establishment.

The questions they asked
ranged from silly speculations
about whether you would be a bigamist in heaven
if you had married twice on earth,
to what was the central rule of civilized behaviour.

They knew the answers already ….
or so they thought.

And like most of us
they were looking for an argument
with no intention of a change of heart.

But he flailed them with his tongue,
those who tried to look interested
but never wanted to be committed.

And that was on the Tuesday…
the day when he gave it to them…
to us,
in the neck.

Painting showing Jesus and the Desciples. Jesus is washing one of the Disciples' feet in a shallow basin. Painting by Shirley J. Veater.

Jesus Washes the Disciples feet. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The material from Iona comes from Stages on the Way, 1998. Copyright(c) WGRG, Iona community, Glasgow Scotland. wilgooselscotland. Reproduced with permission.

Artworks by Shirley Veater used with grateful thanks. www.shirleyveaterdesigns.co.uk

Holy Week Daily Blog: Monday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.


The temple was to be Jesus’ centre of activity for the week. On Monday he went to the temple and found the forecourt was full of stalls selling animals for sacrifice. To buy the animals one had to use the temple currency and the exchange rate was not favourable! The presence of this commercial activity made Jesus extremely angry; a holy place had been turned into a marketplace! In a fury he threw over the stalls and shouted at them all. The temple authorities were very troubled about Jesus and realised he had an agenda that threatened their livelihood.  The story is told in Mark chapter 11, verses 15-19.

There is no particular Christian observance of this day, or on Tuesday or Wednesday. From the Iona Community’s Stages on the Way:

It was on the Monday
that religion got in the way.

An outsider would have thought
that it was a pet shop’s fire sale.
And the outsider, in some ways,
wouldn’t have been far wrong.

Only, it wasn’t household pets.
It was pigeons that were being purchased.
And it wasn’t a fire sale.
It was a rip-off stall in a holy temple
bartering birds for sacrifice.
And the price was something only the rich could afford,
No discounts to students, pensioners or disabled types.

Then he,
the holiest man on earth,
went through the bizarre bazaar
like a bull in a china shop.
So the doves got liberated
and the profit margins got wiped out
and the pigeon sellers got angry;
and the police went crazy;
and the poor people clapped like mad,
because he was making a sign
that God was for everybody,
not just for those who could afford him.

He turned the tables on Monday…
the day that religion got in the way.

Painting showing doves swooping down into a temple and disarray with the contents of the template evaporating into vapours in the air to represent cleansing. Painting by Shirley J. Veater.

Cleansing the Temple. Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The material from Iona comes from Stages on the Way, 1998. Copyright(c) WGRG, Iona community, Glasgow Scotland. wilgooselscotland. Reproduced with permission.

Artworks by Shirley Veater used with grateful thanks. www.shirleyveaterdesigns.co.uk

Holy Week Daily Blog: Palm Sunday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.

In the Western Church, Easter falls on April 4 this year and during the week preceding it, Christians remember some of the significant things which happened during Jesus’ last days before his death by crucifixion. They call these days Holy Week. It is a week of sorrow and distress; but it ends gloriously in joy and hope with Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Some of the Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team have put together a rough sketch of each of those days and included references from the gospel of St. Mark, where you will find a biblical account. We have also given a brief explanation of how Christians observe the day, and a meditation from the Iona Community’s Stages on the Way (used with permission).

Palm Sunday

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Jesus was coming to Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover celebrations with his disciples. During the three years of his ministry of teaching and healing he had gained a huge crowd of followers, mostly humble people who were grateful for his loving, inclusive affirmation. On Sunday he came into Jerusalem. Word had gone before him that he was entering the city and crowds lined the streets to welcome him, waving branches from the trees (palms) crying “Hosanna” which means “save us.” You can read the account at Mark, chapter 11, verses 1-11.

In churches around the world, Christians will celebrate this day by waving palms, some woven into crosses or other shapes, and singing “Hosanna!”  It is a day of joy, but with undertones of sorrow as  they will probably also consider some of the things that happened during Jesus’ last week. When they gather again on Thursday, the tone will be very different. Some thoughts from the Iona Community:

It was on the Sunday
that he took on the city.

Religious freaks usually appear in the desert,
cutting themselves off from the hurly burly
for God wouldn’t dirty his hands
with things of the city,
political things,
criminal things,
beggars and thieves and prostitutes.

But on the Sunday
he rode in,
to claim all he saw
for God does weep in the dust of the streets.
God does cry out in the grand temples and courtyards.
God does yearn for the hustlers and the crooks,
the power hungry and the power brokers,
the fashionistas and the dolly birds,
the addicts and the dealers.

It was on the Sunday …
that he took on the city.

Painting of Jesus in white robes on a donkey amongst many palm trees with a blue sky

Triumphal entry – Hosanna! Painting by Shirley J. Veater

The material from Iona comes from Stages on the Way, 1998. Copyright(c) WGRG, Iona community, Glasgow Scotland. wilgooselscotland. Reproduced with permission.

Artworks by Shirley Veater used with grateful thanks. www.shirleyveaterdesigns.co.uk

Ash Wednesday and Lent

About this post

Claire O’Sullivan, Catholic Chaplain and Faith and Spirituality Adviser at University of Brighton has contributed this post to help us learn more about Lent and its significance to Christians.

What is Ash Wednesday?

On Wednesday you may have come across people walking around with a blurry cross marked on their forehead.

Ash Wednesday is part of the Christian tradition and marks the first day of Lent.

The imposition of ashes comes from an ancient Jewish practice and is a sign of penance, a reminder of reliance on God and the fleeting nature of the earthly life: The ashes are applied by a priest in a church service usually with the words “you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (This is a quote from the book of Genesis addressed to Adam. The figure of Adam and his being created from dust is common between Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths).

What is Lent?

Lent is roughly 40 days of fasting and prayer, a spiritual preparation for Easter, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, the triumph of good over evil, sin and death.

Lenten practices include prayer, fasting, abstinence and almsgiving, and are most commonly observed by those of the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, but other Christian denominations and those with no faith may also follow certain practices.

Get involved

The Faith and Spirituality Advisers have put together a set of weekly ideas for marking this special time:

  • WEEK 1: Giving jar. Over lent add loose change and at the end choose a charity to give the contents to.
  • WEEK 2: Light a candle at mealtimes and pray for peace around the world.
  • WEEK 3: Drink only water for a day reminding you of how precious this resource is.
  • WEEK 4: Send “Thank You” notes to those special people who are a blessing in your life, it could be a tutor, friend or relative.
  • WEEK 5: Bake hot cross buns, in a conscious, meditative fashion. There is a great recipe here
Ash wednesday During COVID-19. Two people with bowed heads and ashes on the crowns of their heads

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vatican guidance suggested the sprinkling of the ashes atop the head, or crown, while observing pandemic protocols [Whoisjohngalt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons].

Ashes to Go at a Train station in Connecticut USA

The image depicts Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church’s ‘Ashes to Go station’ on Ash Wednesday in 2017 that was positioned at the Noroton Heights Train Station in Connecticut [Michael Toy, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons].

RFN Contributed Pancake Photos for Shrove Tuesday

Photo of creative pancakes in a rang of shapes and letters s and f

Jess’s very creative pancakes

Fionas pancake stack, small American-style pancakes with mixed berries on a blue plate

Fiona’s healthy pancakes – A bit ‘Instagram-ready’ you might say! [Fiona’s own comment!]