Holy Week Blog: Saturday

Blog posts will be released each day until Easter Sunday 4 April

Contributed by Christian members of the Faith and Spirituality Team.


Saturday was the Sabbath, a holy day of rest. The disciples were shattered, shocked, heart-broken, terrified, inconsolable. They were probably in hiding. But all the men would have felt guilty. They had not defended Jesus or stayed with him; they were not at the cross to witness his death; they did not help take his body down. Only the women had stayed and observed and wept; and they had seen where his body was taken. Mark tells us nothing about this long sad day.

Some Christians will hold a vigil through the night. Others will spend the day decorating their church with flowers, as if anointing the body of Christ and in preparation for the morrow.

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About Fiona MacNeill

I have been working in the Educational Technology field within Higher Education for eleven years. A big part of my job is finding new and innovative ways of integrating technology into current teaching and learning methodology. This can include assisting academic staff with Virtual Learning Environments/Learning Management Systems (Blackboard), implementing specific software packages, maximising current technologies and championing new ones. I find this profession both riveting and rewarding. I really enjoy life on the cutting edge, but I also enjoy being able to help staff achieve small and meaningful efficiencies; sometimes that makes all the difference.

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