About Bhavik Anil Patel

My interests and focus are in two specific areas: application of analytical chemistry to the biosciences and innovation in teaching My research interests are strongly focused on analytical chemistry and specifically biological and clinical analysis. I am interested in the role signalling molecules play in biological function and using new and novel tools to monitor and understand them under various states of interest, such as development, healthy ageing and disease. At present my major interest is in the function of the gastrointestinal tract. I am interested in learning about how signalling governs the major functions of the bowel. We have developed novel electrochemical sensors that allow for the stable and accurate means to detect various important functional biomarkers in the bowel. These results will play an important role in understanding functional gastrointestinal disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases. The research has been funded over various periods by the Royal Society, BBSRC, EPSRC, Canadian Institute for Health Research and the University of Brighton Research Fund. Work conducted is in collaboration with the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital (Brighton), The Royal London Hospital (London), University of Calgary and Michigan State University. Teaching innovation is an important part of integration of new technologies for advancing the learning environment. I have developed new approaches to teaching by taking inspiration from others and also learning to create new assessments and exercises that can reflect on real-life experiences. Two major examples of innovation include: ‘the Analyst Laboratory Challenge’, which was based on the apprentice, where students are encouraged to assess and market a new analytical product that is kindly sponsored by Phenomenex. Another more general approach is a new way of conducting blended learning, which I have branded as ‘reverse learning’


This site is dedicated to raise awareness on race equality in higher education. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students constantly face barriers throughout their journey in higher education.

The resources provided on this site provide an ability to learn about the barriers faced due to race equality challenges, provide some thoughts on potential solutions and help begin to support conversations associated with race.

We all aim to have have an inclusive environment in higher education, where everyone has a sense of belonging.