Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

Madeira Terrace in historic pictures (source: Brighton Museums www 2019)

Madeira Terrace in Brighton in need of restoration

Abigail Hone, project manager at Brighton & Hove City Council’s City Development & Regeneration Department, organised a meeting with Katrin Bohn and Dong Chu about the restoration of Madeira Terrace in Brighton. The Council is looking for a design and engineering team to work on the restoration project starting this year on the first three…

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Opening slide from Prof. Howard Davis’ presentation at the 26th ISUF  (source: Howard Davis 2019)

Continuous Productive Industrial Landscapes

During “Cities as Assemblages”, the 2019 International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) held in Nicosia, Cyprus, in early July, Prof. Howard Davis from the School of Architecture and Environment at University of Oregon presented a new concept for Continuous Productive Industrial Landscapes. Reflecting on the needs for large vibrant cities like London and New York…

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Bohn&Viljoen's Cuba exhibit at Hands On Urbanism (source: Elke Krasny 2013)

INVITE: On Critical Care for a Broken Planet, Lecture by Elke Krasny on 26th June

Professor Elke Krasny will be coming to the University of Brighton on 26th June to give a lecture titled  On Critical Care for a Broken Planet –Architecture and Urbanism beyond the Capitalocene, an event sponsored by the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics. In medical terms, critical care, also known as intensive care, is…

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The Theater am Rand with its solar roof seen from the North (source: Theater am Rand www 2019)

INVITE: Seed exchange at Theater am Rand near Berlin

This Sunday, 24th March 2019, the already traditional Saatguttauschbörse [seed exchange] starts at 11am at the Theater am Rand at Zollbrücke 16, Oderaue near Berlin, under the slogan Sharing seeds, Exchanging experiences, Safeguarding diversity. As this is an event in German, here follows the German invitation: Saatgut teilen, Erfahrungen austauschen, Vielfalt erhalten Die Saatguttauschbörse zum…

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Female Firsts, one of three exhibitions accompanying the symposium (source: aia brighton www 2019)

INVITE: Fielding Architecture Symposium

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the international symposium Fielding Architecture: Feminist Practices for a Decolonised Pedagogy to be held at the University of Brighton on June 24th and June 25th 2019. Led by our academic colleagues Dr Catalina Mejia Moreno and Dr Emma Cheatle, the 2-day symposium will be held…

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Cortijada Los Gázquez is an ‘off-grid’ rural farm in the heart of the Sierra María-Los Vélez Natural Park, Almería, Spain. (image: Simon and Donna Beckmann 2010)

Discussing productive urban landscapes with artists in Andalucia

Last week, Katrin gave a lecture about Bohn&Viljoen’s work as part of her writing retreat in the artist-led Los Gázquez international residency in Andalucia, Spain. Using our work as a reference, Katrin spoke about the evolution of urban agriculture from a “fringe subject” in the 1990s to talking centre stage in urban design and planning…

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Madeira Terrace Urban Farm, UK

As a first year architecture student at the University of Brighton, I finished the module ‘Design, technology and architectural practises’ in June. The module required students to design a building which would operate an urban farm in Brighton. The existing site is the grade 2 listed historical Victorian Madeira Terrace along Brighton seafront. The crop…

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People stand on hte ground level and on a suspension bridge in a green landscape.

Productive urban landscapes, Peru

Over the past 50 years, the city of Lima has undergone a process of rapid urbanisation that has seen millions of people migrating from rural areas to the capital. Widespread urbanisation has deprived the city of much of its natural land, crucial for both agriculture, the environment, and citizen’s wellbeing. This devastating effect is now…

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Masterplan of Shenyang Architectural University showing the position of the rice fields (source: Turenscape Landscape Architecture 2022)

Rice Field Campus, China

As to a country with 1.3 billion people, both food production and sustainable landscape design are vital to every Chinese landscape designer. The Shenyang Architectural University is situated in the North China Liaoning Province with 80 hectares suburban campus. The 3-hectare project is situated in the campus’ southwest. It was been awarded the Design Honor…

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