Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

There is a need to integrate the ‘urban’ and the ‘spatial’ sides of the food system into future urban and regional planning. (source: Katrin Bohn and Dong Chu 2019)

Katrin Bohn co-edits Special Issue on urban food planning for Wiley journal

The course is now set for a Special Issue in the journal Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems published by Wiley and edited by Sarah Lovell on behalf of the American Society of Agronomy and the Crop Science Society of America. The Special Issue will feature selected papers presented at last year’s international 9th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference hosted by Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. It is co-edited to equal parts by Marian Simon Rojo (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain), Kathrin Specht (Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung, Germany) and Katrin Bohn who all are steering group members of the AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Group.

The about 15 selected papers are currently being finalised for submission. They will reflect on the ways in which planning instruments and processes are levers of the required public support towards territorialised food systems, diversified agroecological production, local logistic and retail infrastructures, adapted technologies and the new organisation of an envisioned closed-loop cycle from food production to food waste recycling. Three major thematic fields will be addressed:

First, urban and regional governance and planning set the stage for future transitions. Urban, peri-urban and regional land and infrastructure need to be re-coded.
Second, food democracy is a cornerstone in the collective definition of the new foodscape, be it one of transition, radical transformation or coexistence of both.
And third, agroecological urbanism calls for thinking the ‘urban’ side of the food system. Urbanism, entitled to ease the adaptation of urban metabolism to local resources and territories, entails changing behavioral patterns.

We are very pleased to be able to liaise with the journal Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, a multidisciplinary open-access journal, focusing on urban and peri-urban agriculture and systems of urban and regional food provisioning in developing, transition, and advanced economies. The journal intends to be a platform for cutting edge research on urban and peri-urban agricultural production for food and nonfood (e.g., flowers, medicine, cosmetics) uses and for social, environmental, and health services (e.g., tourism, water storage, care, education, waste recycling, urban greening). It aims to explore, analyze, and critically reflect upon urban and regional food production, processing, transport, trade, marketing, and consumption and the social, economic, environmental, health and spatial contexts, relations, and impacts of these food provisioning activities.

We anticipate for the Special Issue to publish in the first quarter of 2021.


For further information on the journal Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems see here.

For information on the 9th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference see here.

Image: There is a need to integrate the ‘urban’ and the ‘spatial’ sides of the food system into future urban and regional planning. (source: Katrin Bohn and Dong Chu 2019)

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_ AESOP Sustainable Food Planning* food policy* food systems* urban agricultureInternational

Katrin Bohn • 12th August 2020

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