A networking and information tool on productive urban green
Contracts have been signed between the Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz] and the AG Stadt & Ernährung [Working Group City & Food] to begin their joint work with Berlin’s community gardeners.
Aim of the project Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün [Platform Productive Urban Green] is to develop an online networking and information tool on the German capital’s green spaces which will feed into the city’s overall green infrastructure strategy.
The first component of the Platform will be the website “Community Gardening [Gemeinschaftsgärtnern]” intended to celebrate and write forth the ground-breaking work that has already been done by Berlin’s community gardeners since many years.
Katrin Bohn is a founder member of the Working Group City & Food and, with Beatrice Walthall, accompanies the project for this group. They have teamed up with Berlin-based web designers / programmers Scholz Constructors.
Whilst preliminary networking and context research will start now, the first meeting public meeting of the project will happen in Spring 2019. Please watch this space for its announcement.
The (final) Platform Productive Urban Green can be found here.
For information on the AG Stadt & Ernährung see here.
For more information on the design of the project see here.
Image: The first part of the Platform is dedicated to Berlin’s community gardens. (source: Beatrice Walthall 2012)