This professional practice module helped me with my communication skills when working in a team. Communicating openly and freely works wonders in a team. Even the action learning which we were assigned different tasks that would benefit the whole class like arranging an induction class for the workshop. Finding train strike dates and sorting out the professional practice class without any interruption. Learning useful things from others’ action learning goalss that can benefit me with my module and everyday tasks.
Even when I said I have a problem with my sleep cycle, others were suggesting I try to sleep at a similar time every day to improve my sleep cycle and it really helped.
Knowing the strength of other members of the team is an important key factor when sorting out the individual tasks for each member. This could make us work effectively as a team. Like when I was trying to find a social conference event according to my future job opportunities I was approaching other members in my class to learn from their experiences of finding one.
Even while practising the SolidWorks model when I am struck at some point in making my model I would get help from mohud hammer and Zafir. We were helping each other and learning.
My Team Role test result: