Visiting Speaker Clare Griffiths

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Clare Griffiths works for the Careers and Employability team at the university. Her main focus was giving us advice on preparing us for being self-employed and freelance workers.

She recommended a service called Beepurple, which offers workshops and talks on becoming self employed including being a freelance photographer which you can join any time including after you leave uni. They host workshops and run ‘start up’ courses.

She gave us an example of a past user of Beepurple who they helped to start her business called Kelly Angoods who made viddy camera, to start a business making medium format pinhole cameras. She accessed funding via kickstarter, she’d offer various rewards for people depending on how much money they sent her. I found it encouraging to be shown an example of someone with an idea and seeing how it can be made to happen, showing the recommended services as successful for some.

Viddy Pinhole Camera by the Pop-Up Pinhole Camera Company 6

      –  An advertising image by viddy camera of their products taken from Viddy Pinhole Camera by the Pop-Up Pinhole Camera Company (



Clare gave some very helpful business starting advice-

When starting a business, you need to relate these 4 things:

  • What are you good at
  • What do you love
  • What does the world need
  • What can you be paid for


She got us to do an exercise where we think about our core values to help inform our practice – what change do you want to make? What is important to you?

  • Looking after the planet
  • Sustainability
  • Responding to toxic consumerism
  • People helping people
  • Connecting people to nature
  • Mental health

– I found this exercise very helpful because its the first time I’ve actually thought about the things that are important to me in terms of the areas I see myself looking at in the future. Having them written down makes it clearer as to what my unique bridge with my photographic practice could be in starting a business or the areas I can specialise in.


This was an encouraging session as it makes the connections between being a student and making my work into a job more doable! My next step is probably booking an advice session with








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