The Best Parts of Working in a Team

We have all been in a group where no one wants to do the work, no one communicates or there is that one person that says will do their work but its the morning the assignment is due and they did nothing so you struggle to finish off their parts in limited time. Those types of groups are stressful, they demotivate you affecting the quality of your performance. However have you been in a group where you did not have to stress about someone not doing their work? In a group where you communicate and actually get the work done in great quality? I finally have.

The Experience
Gibbs reflection cycle

I will be taking inspiration from Gibbs reflection cycle to help me talk about my experience.

In December as a group we discussed what had to be included in the presentation and each choose our parts. Due to us doing this early everyone had plenty of time to research for their part. This put me at ease as everyone knew what they had to do and if anyone needed help with anything we would all try to help them.

One member in our group took the ‘leader’ role. In January she created our presentation and structured it perfectly for us. This helped us greatly as we could all see how everyone was doing with their part of the presentation. This was a big relief for me as in previous assignments I had to take the lead role due to wanting to get work done despite no one communicating.

Despite not being the leader in this assignment I made sure I contributed as much as I could especially when we were discussing what company to do and when we were discussing what had to be done for the assignment. Additionally I also ensured that we did not repeat ourselves throughout the presentation so if there was an overlap with my parts I would try to tweak it.

Looking back one thing I would improve on would definitely be my time management. Despite trying to get the work done early I did not fully time manage the tasks I had to do for this assignment and other assignments so I was unable to finish my parts on a deadline I set myself. Therefore for next time I will better manage my time.

Skills learned

A few skills I learned were; how to voice record on Power Point, analyse and create a online value proposition and how to identify business and revenue models a company may have. All these skills are beneficial and will definitely enhance my employability as a majority of work are becoming more and more digitised. Digitisation is only growing and all the skills learned will help me in future.

Overall working in this group was effective, efficient and a great pleasure. Not only did everyone help one another when needed, everyone also did their work to the best of their ability and stayed in contact throughout.

Word Count: 495


Cambridge assessment international education (2020) ‘Getting Started With Reflective Practice’  [Online] [Accessed 07/08/2021]

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