Health CPD modules at University of Brighton


General Practice Nursing

This module is for qualified Nurses who are new to General Practice Nursing and who have recently been employed in General Practice. Funding for the module is provided through the Community Education Provider Networks (training hubs). 

Module Information

Module Code 

NW626 (level 6) and NW726 (level 7)


The module consists of six themed study days delivered throughout one academic year. Each study day will comprise of a core lecture and facilitated Action Learning resulting from previously taught sessions with learners asked to share examples and issues from practice. Taught sessions will focus on the contemporary nature of General Practice Nursing and will be a mix of clinical and theoretical topics that draw from the competencies as outlined within the two documents:  A competency framework for Practice Nursing (Kent, Surrey and Sussex SHA).  General Practice Nurse Competencies (RCGP)  

NB: Learners will commence the module as they take up post in practice. This will enable learners to be supported in their new role when the need is greatest 

Entry Requirements  

 Applicants at level 7 would normally hold a health-related degree at 2:1 or above and have completed recent study in the previous five years.

Applicants at level 6 must evidence successful completion of study at Level 5 or 6 within the previous five years.

Applicants at both levels need to provide evidence of employer support – all students need to be based in a practice area that will enable them to meet the practice learning outcomes and competencies stated for the specific stage being undertaken.

All students must have an identified practice supervisor who has successfully completed an approved programme of preparation to enable them to support learning and assessment in practice (NMC 2018). 


  • Practice assessment: Assessment of Practice Portfolio (Pass / Fail). The practice portfolio will include essential skills, core and negotiated competencies and two reflective accounts (500 words each) based on the learners practice experience. Learners will be expected to complete mandatory skills development plus any skills as deemed necessary to meet the demands of nationally and/or locally agreed competencies. All skills will be identified on commencing the module and will form part of the learning agreement contained within the Practice Portfolio.
  • Academic assessment: a 3,000-word case study that evaluates the assessment and delivery of evidenced based care in practice.

Module Leader

Linda Hardie

Module Dates

2025-26 TBC


If you are choosing this module as part of a postgraduate or community course, please contact for specific information on the fee for this module. Funding for the module is normally provided through the Community Education Provider Networks (training hubs).  

If you are taking this as a single module or part of the BSc (Hons) Professional Practice course, the module fee is:

2025-26 TBC


Further Information 

Please contact for further information about the module

This module is normally taken as part of the following courses:

BSc (Hons) Specialist Community Public Health Nursing

MSc / PG Dip / PG Cert Specialist Community Public Health Nursing

BSc (Hons) Community Specialist Practice

MSc / PG Dip Community Specialist Practice

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