Phoebe Brown
- Mother with young children (2,4)
- Currently unemployed, but doing some work from home while kids are young looking after them
- Previously worked in marketing
- Skews female
- Age 15- 30
- Dual HH Income: £70,000
- Suburban
- Energetic/ has time to relax
- Regular social media user
- Communicates via phone, email
- While at home, looking after young kids keeping them busy and active with sports, learning
- Being able to keep up with business world ready for the return into marketing
- Maintaining a balance between family, exercise, working from home, friends
- Money – keeping up with trends in the business world and opportunities to move onto
What can we do
- Ensuring customers that they need a balance from their busy schedules to find time for themselves to relax and wear their comfy
- Advertising an affordable product that is worthwhile and durable
Real quotes
- “As Winter is drawing in, and it is not yet time to turn the heating onto all day, the lack of blankets is a problem in our household”
- “Finding it hard to maintain a balance with the kids, I never have “me time”, where I can just relax on the sofa all warm and cosy”
Common Objectives
- I’m not sure if I should be spending money on this when I could be spending money on the kids
- Will I get much use out of it?
Marketing Messaging
- These jumper/blankets last a lifetime, think insulating material carefully threaded together to ensure a long life
- Perfect for moving into the cold winter weather, when your kids are sleeping and your having time for yourself
Elevator Pitch
- Our Comfy’s are designed to give you that feel of being at home, tucked up warm, and most of all COMFY. The thick material is threaded together to ensure warmth and most importantly the ability to last a lifetime, through times when the kids get food and mess all over it, to returning back from camping in the mud, the Comfy is designed for all conditions and has the ability to bounce back and be used over and over.
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