Hi everyone,
I am starting this blog as a way to discuss all things popular culture as it has become one of the biggest industries of our time, creating mega-celebrities out of ordinary people (YouTube, I’m looking at you…), and influencing the way we run businesses, utilise marketing tools and interact with day-to-day social trends.
I am a second-year student at the University of Brighton, studying Media, Industry and Innovation. This course specialises in how the creative industries have changed over time, and how they will continue to adapt to (and around) our societies. Post-Covid, social media influence has never been a better or more-used tool for branding yourself and interacting with the world of popular culture, be this recreating an iconic celebrity birthday party “for the ‘gram”, participating in viral TikTok trends, or documenting your daily commute through selfies posted to your Instagram stories.
I will be looking at iconic celebrities of the last 3 decades, and evaluating their impact on popular culture and our society as a result. First up, the legendary Paris Hilton…