The Story of Seraphina

Greyscale photo of fencing topped with coils of barbed wire.

Cracked plaster. Cobwebs. Snot green paint. Every morning she noticed something new to hate about her room. Her room. It was more like a cage with a desk. She closed her eyes and tried to force herself back to sleep. Please, she begged, Let me go.

Seraphina shot a look at the door, the dead light above it and scowled. Her room had no clock; just a bed, desk, sink and toilet. A wooden stool meant for the desk was placed against the wall, beneath a window which was no more than a slit of glass at the top of the wall out of reach. The light allowed in was dim and blue and Seraphina knew by the colour she had about an hour until the bulb above the door turned green.

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