Guide to Make Your Book Reach from Shelves to Hands.

What is Book Marketing?

The main reason to do so is to let the world know the book exists. That it is worth it for the audience to invest their time in the book.

Advert just like any other product but for books. To spread the word that the book you choose let the audience know that it exists and they should read it by giving them a reason to, maybe by directly asking them to, by posing questions so that they read the book to look for the answer, or by not telling them nothing but just the tagline that would leave the audience no choice but to read it.

How to Market Your Book?

Choosing your platform to market the book of your choice may seem like a task, but only a couple ways take a lot of time and money.

  1. There is the most obvious and least effort-consuming: Social Media. By having an already existing social media presence the task is much easier if not then not much is needed to find your targeted audience. The main part is to put the book and information about it out there. Use hashtags and collaborate with bookstagram accounts, maybe asking them to give a review on your book or just put out an advert for your book. Sometimes multiple posts and shares would be needed for the book to reach your target audience and sometimes just one post could do wonders.
  2. Word of mouth. When you are recommended to read a book by your loved one you are most likely to read it and that could be a huge help in giving your book a boost. This is more of a passive way to market your book.
  3. Putting out posters where you are most likely to find the targeted audience. If the book were a modern feminist work of piece, putting posters at university boards, and bookshops, and asking societies with people who’d have similar interests as the book’s theme would intrigue them.
  4. Hosting events. Collaborating with a bookshop and hosting a book signing (Usually works for established writers, but worry not if this is your debut), or a session where you engage with the audience, answering their questions regarding the book, and a book reading session.

Things to keep in mind while marketing.


Don’t be shy to try every method that comes up in your mind on how to market your book but putting in all your investment without a plan would not be a smart thing. Make sure that the way you market it is the way your target audience usually engages. For example, you wouldn’t want your book with the main theme of feminism to be grouped amongst fictional thrillers.

Know your field. If you are writing a non-fictional feminist essay book know what authors have already published in the same genre. If your themes intersect, maybe try getting in touch and having a chat on the same, discuss them, and get different perspectives on the same.

Know your opposing field (might not work for every genre). Try posing questions to the people who stand against it, or do not agree with the same by civilly countering the same and without it turning ugly or controversial.

Using your assets.

BOOKS ARE JUDGED BY IT’S COVER. The person browsing through the bookstore is going to pick the book that catches their eye. The color, the font, and the tagline, everything matters. Make it eye-catching. Funky design, subtle colors, mysterious tagline, a bold question, color palette, everything needs to be thought out well enough for it to work in your favor.

Try sending out the books to the authors, magazines, newspapers, and celebrities whose positive words on your book would make an impact and validate your work. This assures the reader of the quality of the book’s content and its writing.

Why is it important?

To let people know what they are missing out on! You don’t want your work to be hidden. Getting a bigger audience might be a long term process and might happen in a couple years or if it is something that can be turned into a movie script and then hit the charts, or it might hit the charts right away but marketing is the only way to get it noticed. So don’t shy away. If you are shy hide behind your book, it might help your book to stand on its own, and create mystery but remember your book was written to be read and marketing is the spend towards it to being read and let eyes upon.