Author: Roxanne Clark
Museum Del’egal
(Note in advance – This piece is a radio play, and is therefore structured as such)
Roxanne Clark
FX: Day, Museum Del’egal Foyer, the sound of echoed chatter from a crowd. Enter SHELBY and a click of her shoes
SHELBY: Huddle around and settle down folks, we’ll be starting shortly- sir, get closer to the group if you’re gonna go on the tour.
[The room quieting and a small shuffle of feet in one place]
… thank you, sir.
[SHELBY coughs before speaking]
Welcome folks to downtown Amaranthine’s hidden gem – Museum Del’egal! From all of us here, we thank you for simply coming to visit, and a big old thank you from me for keeping me in a job! My name’s Shelby and I’ll be your guide for this exciting tour!
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The Mourning Man by Roxanne Clark
Co-V-House Dreams by Roxanne Clark
Spoken Word Success – Giving anything a try
Sit down with a cup of tea, your chatty host is back once more! This time, we’re talking about a recent success that happened at the University of Brighton – The MA Spoken Word Event! Continue reading