Beyond Brick & Mortar: the opportunity to publish in today’s world by Ife Disu

A photo by Aliis Sinisalu from Unsplash. The photo shows a slightly angled top down view of a dark brown desk, on which sit a white coffee mug with brown rectangles, to its left is a brown and orange notebook upon which rests a pen, a pair of glasses and an e-reader with text on the screen.

Beneath the romanticised allure that getting your work published by the “Big 5” publishing houses that dominate the industry, it can be easy to misjudge our own abundant opportunities to publish fictional, non-fictional, or poetic works through other means. Relinquishing our preconceived barriers to these alternate avenues and broadening the scope of the potential for our work to be shared can help us reach our personal and professional goals for publishing in new, inspiring ways.

This is something I can attest to as I developed my creative piece, “Violets from Astroturf”.

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