If you have a project you are interested in showcasing on the site, then we want to hear from you! It might be something you’ve done as part of your course, or something you have done outside of the University. Please make sure that all work is your own and/or you have permission to publish it here. The Editors reserve the right to make final decisions on what gets published on this site. General guidelines below or get in touch if you just want to have a casual chat!

Practice projects

This will generally be visual work and may have accompanying text. But our minds our open- surprise us! All images must be supplied in the correct format for displaying online (i.e. correct resolution and pixel dimensions) and all text should be proof-read and ready to copy and paste. You may include links to personal websites.

Written work

This could be anything from short essays, book or gallery reviews, opinion pieces (well argued). If this is something you have had published, or are submitting for publication elsewhere, please ensure that you have the right to also publish it here. All texts should be proof-read and ready to copy and paste. You may submit images to accompany the text, ready to be published online. (see above).

Work Experience [Media Producer]

Are you interested in working on the back-end of this website? Maybe you have an interest in social media or your finger on the pulse of photography news? Perhaps you’re interested in developing a monthly column on photography in Brighton and Hove? (All ideas welcome!) If you are, we are interested to hear from you. All work is voluntary and in exchange for training in the use of the site, social media ethics and potential work experience references. Get in touch with Rachel in the first instance.