Sophie Wells: ‘The Postmodernist’s Guide to the Selfie’ (2015)
The following text is by final year Photography BA(Hons) student 2014-15 Sophie Wells (graduated 2015) which was originally published in the 2015 degree show catalogue. You can find out...
An Impossible Task: On James William Murray’s ‘Beheld’ by Seán Padraic Birnie
Before her lover departs, she traces his shadow, thrown by candelight, on to the wall. Later her father, the potter Butades, will make a cast from the drawing. In...
Essay: MA Photography degree show 2015
After Desire by Joanna Lowry Image: Noora Pelkonen, from Karelia (2015) ‘We don’t really want what we think we desire,’(i) says Slavoj Žižek, explaining Lacan’s contribution to our understanding of...