Memories and Folds

The definition of a memory – 1. the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

“I’ve a great memory for faces”

2. something remembered from the past

The definition of a fold – 1. a form or shape produced by the gentle draping of a loose, full garment or piece of cloth.

2. a slight hill or hollow in the ground.

Use photographs to create paper that folds?

Use the idea of a fold (as if it was a memory)

Make paper that is thick enough to fold or use a stencil/ mould to create shapes?

Patrick Diar – Biometics

What is Biomimicry?

Taken from the Greek

Bios- life

Mimesis – Imitate


Other terms:





.. ‘Nicking ideas from nature’


Nature has had 3.3 billion years to evolve – Jakki Mohr 2012

Similar to 95% of biological structures, textiles are inherently fibre based – jeronimidis G 2008


Nature as a designer

• Through the millennia of evolution nature has adapted and improved itself

• Through this development nature has developed highly sophisticated structures and systems

• Resulted in diverse and efficient methods od solving problems

• Many structures utilise combinations of fibres


Biomimetic = used a design tool for aesthetic reasons, people looking at understanding how nature is structured, material process development

Spiral form – fibinarchy – golden segment – wild carrot flower


Fibre -> yarn -> cloth


What happens if you embed licrer fibre into paper?

• Concrete? Thread? Food? Flowers? Fruit skins – blend stuff together? Bubbles?

Different layers – different elements

Two forms- add pulp to them which adds strength


Bamboo – versatile material – hollow – less material


Form follows function / function follows form?


Study of palm stem and suggested surfaces

Look at creases – help to hold its weight

Corrugated mesh – not flat so its stronger


Karl culmann – 1866

Frei Otto  – Tensile structure and Diatom


The water cube

 Beijing games


The cabbage leaf effect / Lotus leaf effect

• Waterproof???

• Tyvek paper


Leonardo Da Vinvi

Wright brothers – mimicked birds in flight more than early planes did



Spider silk – stronger than steel – produce different filaments at different times in different areas = control


Just by inserting cuts into paper you can create a structure that moves

Honeycomb structure folded in on itself

Auxetic materials – bendy, folded materials


Fibre Based Composites project

What is paper?

“Paper is an incredibly versatile substance made from naturally occurring plant fibres called cellulose. Originally derived from cloth rags and grasses, paper is now predominantly made with wood (in Europe, non-wood based pulp accounts for just 1.3% of pulp production).
From the finest quality paper through to the thickest, strongest corrugated carton, the manufacturing process for this renewable resource is the same: the wood must first be shredded and mixed with water to make pulp. The pulp is then refined, cleaned and agitated before being pumped onto a moving screen or mesh. As the pulp travels along the screen, excess water is drained away and recycled. A paper sheet made from interlocking cellulose fibres begins to form. As it moves through the papermaking machine it is pressed between huge rollers to extract water and subsequently through heated rollers to remove any remaining water. Once the paper has been dried and pressed and depending upon its end use, it may be finished with coatings or other additives which ensure uniform smoothness and thickness.

Paper is all around us. It is difficult to provide a definitive answer to the question, “what is paper?” as its forms and properties are so diverse.

Where to start? Even if one has more noble pretensions than the other, an esteemed literary manuscript and the humble egg box are both equally well served by the paper from which they are made.

Paper products have a vast range of useful applications – it can be made soft and delicate as the lightest tissue or strong and tough enough to be used as a construction material. And this ubiquitous substance continues to reveal new attributes: paper can be treated and made fire-resistant and it can even be waterproofed and used in boat hulls.

Driven by ongoing innovation in the paper industry, the uses of this infinite natural resource are perhaps only limited by our imaginations.”


I find the line ‘paper is all around us’ inspiring. It makes me want to produce something that conveys that message. Potentially looking into incorporating every day fibres or materials into my paper. Maybe to show a journey through each different piece.. A day in the life of Olivia but represented through  paper.

Visit to Devils Dyke

Whilst going on a lovely with two of my closest friends I stumbled across some views that got me thinking about my project…

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Seeing all the rubbish pushed into the ground made me a little frustrated. It’s takes very little time to put your rubbish away. Anyway! It made me think about the idea of there being all these unnatural substances within the natural environments. How we use cosmetic materials on our natural bodies (I for one am guilty as I love using make up), how we use both man made and natural materials, and how you could look at it that sometimes people use their wardrobe to create an unnatural perception of themselves. Just the whole idea of how we have created a cosmetic and man made world really got me thinking and gave me my initial inspiration for this project.

Successful day if you ask me!




Wounded: Brian Adams

When asked whether he felt a weight of responsibility in capturing the traumatic, personal narratives, Brian Adams responded:

” I just thought that I should try to be as honest with them as possible, because they were being honest with me.”


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Initially the images make me feel consumed, they draw me in and make me take a moment to consider what it is they could have gone through in order to get to where they are today, not just the traumatic event of being in war but the rehabilitation physically and mentally afterwards.

After the initial observation I start to notice the textures displayed and patterns created as the result of such an awful event it think are beautiful. The scars represent a pattern that I think would be really effective as a print on a garment.

Proenza Schoulder

‘Brilliantly surreal campaign’

“I’ve always loved being a women, I’ve never wanted to be a man. But I definitely think it has its challenges”

Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 18.11.25 Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 18.11.04       Inspired by the Ninties fly-on-the-wall TV show Taxicab confessions.

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The statement ‘Legs are not doors’ is really emotive to me. Makes me think about someone- a girl, demonstrating that she is proud of who she is and that she has control over her and who enters it.Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 18.23.32


Tony Cragg

Born in Liverpool in 1949, Tony initially started a career as a laboratory assistant and helped to test, manipulate and develop different types of rubber. Whilst working he decided to draw to try and understand the the experiments further and thus this led to the significant of the drawings becoming more to him than the experiments.

I found his work really inspiring as it made me consider silhouette and really think about the shapes in which could be effective. I liked the idea of having layers, and different sections that fit together. I think this could really emphasis the idea and represent how there is unnatural elements that lie within natural environments. How different substances come together to make something new and exciting.

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