Guide purchase reflection

After creating an account with Shopify and realising that it was going to cost as much as $29 a month I’ve decided it’s not something that I can charge for at this current time.

I will state on the website that the PDF is available for download for a small fee or that a physical copy can be sent and just use an email link which will notify me of any interest.


Shaw Swap Sunday 13/05/2018

Reusable water bottle.

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This weeks #ShawSwap is my reusable water bottle!

Recently I’ve been on the move constantly and have found myself feeling even more dehydrated than usual (I am rubbish at drinking enough) because I refused to by a plastic bottle of water. So, I decided to invest  in a reusable bottle that I can carry with me.

I have the admit the process of buying this caused a little anxiety because I panicked, worrying about how this bottle was still plastic, asking myself ‘is that the right thing to do?’

I decided (for once) to take my own advice and remember what Shop Shaw is all about: Doing what you can, wherever you are, with what you have.

Honestly, I don’t have £20 to spend on a fancy water bottle and I already carry so much that my bag is extremely heavy so so wanted something light weight but durable.

This Sistema one fit that criteria. It cost me £2.50 so it was definitely in budget, it’s light, the right size for me (there is no point in carry a 1L as I won’t drink it 😂) and it means I’ll no longer be gasping for a drink whilst travelling across the country!

At the end of the day it’s about making #SmallShawSteps. A positive step is a positive step, no matter how big, right?