Project reflection

Overall I feel that the first half of the project went well and I was successful in producing an outcome that I think, were it applied to a live brief, would be successful. The main strengths were the depth of my research and the way this informed my outcome. The visual result was also well crafted and thought out.

The second brief is less creative as I felt there was a need to for thorough and written research, this involved reading books and journal articles and took up a look up a lot of time and therefore the amount of work produced is less. Non the less I this was a necessary part of the brief; quality over quantity was key here. I feel that I have enriched my knowledge and am much further informed on the subject of sustainability and will benefit from this when it comes to producing my final major project.

When considering the project as a whole I think a weakness lies within the timescale and time management. I felt that I needed to put more time into the first brief in order to ensure a successful outcome and therefore the second brief suffered. However, as this was only a research project and one I intend on continuing on into my final major project I feel that it is a good start and a decent foundation of work to base the next stage of my project on.