AD139 Week 1 Critique
State first impressions. Make guesses. Say what you see, do not say what you like or dislike. Suspend judgement. Describe, analyse, interpret.
- What stands out most when you first see it?
The extended lower leg of the sculpture
- Explain the reason you notice what you mention in Q1.
It reminds me of a prosthetic leg, how something synthetic and man-made can be beautiful.
- As you keep looking, what else seems important?
The colour and affect of the lines created.
- Why does the element you mention in Q3 seem important?
They remind me of veins, important vessels that a body needs to function but these seem to have a mind of their own.
- How has contrast/structure/space/colour been used?
The structure has been used to create a piece of elegance, almost reminds me of a dancer extending their hands over the body.
- What leads your eye around from place to place?
The different edges of the sculpture as well as the blue colour
- What tells you about the artist that created this?
They are someone that likes precision and flow within there work with a splash of creativity and flash.
- Imagine the feelings and meanings this work represents – what are they?
Freedom, energy and escape; the name of the piece being waves VI makes me think of being within water, surfing away from reality.
- What other titles could be given to this work?
Curve, Leap, Smooth extension, Drift
- What other things interest you about this work?
I find myself staring at the holes within the piece, why are there sections missing? Makes me think about someone falling though a wave and disappearing.
- What do you think the artist was trying to convey in the work – to moralise, elevate the spirit, instruct?
I think they were trying to represent a beautiful curve, whether it a change is someone’s life or a change in direction. An energetic new event that steers you somewhere new.
- Suggest up to 10 key words that relate to the meaning of this work.
Electric, Smooth, Flow, Curve, Disappear, Stride, Slide, Missing, Clear direction
- Create a narrative in up to 100 words from this work that would convey this work to others.
Someone loves a smooth ride, a life where by they live to stick to a plan but that still possesses life and enjoyable times. However they encounter holes within the plan they have to work there way around, whether they have to add something into the mix or remove a previous idea in order to carry on the right path. Through this process they find themselves in an electric blue sea, surrounded by possibilities and visual elements that inspire them to create and not be afraid to change their mind. They are choosing to ride a wave rather than be swallowed by one.