
Sunday 22nd February


Initially I found the project a little daunting and overwhelming however as time has gone on I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and feel that in terms of skills I have excelled majorly and this was my main goal at the start of the project.

The initial illustration sessions we had I think has really helped me to realise that proportion is such a key aspect in terms of fashion drawings. Although this is not my preferred field I think that I have improved and given the time could now produce an effective piece. Thus although illustration skills have advanced, this is an area that I think needs to be paid more attention to. However, improving my digital skills have been the main focus for me during this project and in relation to those skills, I feel I have really made a good effort to increase my ability.

I have learnt to use Photoshop to a much higher level in addition to being able to using InDesign to a good standard to. My photography skills are much more advanced and I have learnt how to use light much more effectively. Although I was unable to get into a proper photographic studio I feel that I made the best of the equipment I had. This as a result has meant that my images I have created are very strong and thus convey a strong message to those who view them.

Furthermore looking at my collages I think that I have produced some very strong images and feel the workshops we had on them were extremely useful and have made me look and consider layout in a lot more depth which then translated into both my webzine and printed magazine.

In terms of time management I could have been better organised so to make my webzine slightly more effective. For example there is no footer, as I could not figure out what the problem was with the technology. I found coding extremely interesting however I don’t feel that I know how to use it to the standard that I would like to and therefore further teaching on the subject would be beneficial through using either further lessons or private teaching on

Overall I think my project outcome is effective and strong and that the use of digital work is really beneficial to the project and highlights my message well. I feel the layering of the images creates a sense of emotion and helps the viewer connect to the pieces by enabling them to look into them as if they have a past and present. However it think this project is one that I could go back to and explore further, I don’t think I have gone into enough depth in relation my own primary research. I think I need to ask and collect information from a wider range of the public to analyse and feel this would make my project more influential to those who view it.



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