Teaching healthy relationships: resources to help
We all know how exciting new friendships or relationships can be for children and young people.
But whether online or off, it’s not always easy for young people to identify when a relationship has become harmful or abusive. And if they do feel uncomfortable or unsafe, children can find it hard to know how or when to find support.
Deliver effective education around healthy and unhealthy relationships with these 5 Thinkuknow resources:
- Exploited – our film and resource pack for young people aged 14 and over helps them to identify features of an exploitative friendship or relationship in contrast with the development of a healthy relationship
- Thinkuknow teens websites – signpost young people to our 11-13s and 14+ website where they will find age-appropriate advice on the features of healthy and unhealthy relationships, and guidance on where to go if they need help
- First to A Million – our interactive film for 11-13s provides a fun way of building further understanding around consent, respect and support and sources of help
- Play Like Share – our animated series and resource pack for 8-10s explores some of the tactics that might be used within a developing unhealthy relationship to pressure, manipulate or threaten a child
- Jessie & Friends – our 4-7s resource supports children to understand the qualities of good friendships, consent in the context of sharing images online, and identifying trusted adults who can help