Safer Internet Day 2018 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 6th February 2018 with the slogan “Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you”.
Join more than a thousand organisations across the UK to help inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
To help schools run activities for Safer Internet Day on the 6 Feb 2018, the UK Safer Internet Centre have created Education Packs and complementary SID TV films tailored for 3-7s, 7-11s, 11-14s, 14-18s and parents and carers, along with some guidance for educators.
Red and Murphy, our favourite pair of puppets, talk about what it feels like when being online becomes too much. They try meditation and conclude it is important to take a minute, switch devices off and talk to a grown up.
Pupils discuss how messages online might make them feel and suggest ideas for what to do. They also talk about respecting others’ wishes when it comes to digital life.
Pupils take on issues around peer pressure, online bullying and the way these things can make people feel.
This film focuses on the topic of empathy and how young people can show empathy online. The students discuss emojis, social media and how to build positive relationships.