Every construction project possesses the risk to cause harm to the environment, McLaren has taken careful consideration to ensure that this risk is minimised as much as possible.

Soil contamination before and during the construction process has been investigated and reported through Planning Application BH2020/00523 ‘REMEDIATION AND VERIFICATION STRATEGY’ (2020). This investigation found that as this is a previous brown site soil contamination was already found with traces of Asbestos in the soil, the levels were not high enough to pose an immediate threat to safety but is advised that 300mm of imported top soil is to be laid to prevent future expose. Along with this a ‘Hot-Spot Contamination Plan’ has been established for the discovery of a new or existing site of contamination on the site, ensuring the safety of the workers and public. This investigation has helped improve the environmental quality of the site and provide measures to reduce the environmental impact of construction.

Site waste has the potential to put hundreds of tonnes of waste into landfill. However, with an effective Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) the majority of this waste can avoid landfill and be recycled, greatly reducing the environmental impact of the construction process. McLaren contracted Erith Contractors LTD to provide a comprehensive SWMP ensuring as little waste as possible is diverted from landfill. The report is found under Planning Application BH2020/00116 ‘SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN’ (2020), This report has categorised every potential waste product to come from the site and who and how to get it recycled. There is also a breakdown of the demolition waste and which category it will fall into.

The report highlights that:

  • Steel and other metals will be sent off site for recycling.
  • Concrete and bricks will be machine-crushed on site and re-used.
  • Mixed rubbish will be sent off site for sorting, processing and recycling where possible.
  • Asbestos will be bagged/wrapped and disposed at a licensed receiving station.

BH2020/00116 ‘SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN’ (2020), P.G. 7

In summary McLaren has taken appropriate measures to ensure the environmental impact of the construction of One Moulsecomb Way is minimised as much as possible in accordance with local and regional environmental regulations.


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