Our research is multidisciplinary integrating Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences with Applied Clinical Physiology and Behavioural Psychology. Our research objective is to investigate prevalent health problems in a holistic approach incorporating innovative and diverse methodologies.
Our main areas of research are categorised into four themes:
–Lifestyle interventions of Nutrition and Exercise for Physical and Mental Health
–Eating Disorders and Body Image Disturbances
-Behaviour Modification and Mindful Eating
–Nutrition and Metabolism
In the core of our research group is the community. By collaborating with our local communities we prioritise raising awareness, education and knowledge transfer to the general public. Some examples of our community work are:
-Working with local nutrition organisations and running educational programs on mindfulness, nutrition and mental health.
-Running podcasts and webinars in collaboration with the local Schools and Academies.
-Collaborating with local athletic clubs and supporting athlete’s performance and health.
-Raising awareness on low energy availability (LEA), disordered eating and relatively energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) in high risk athletes in association with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM)
Please contact us for collaborations and more information on our research activities and community work.